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Mr. Audubon
Allegh Valley
May 1809

[[pencil and ink sketch of a tulip]]
Tulipa [[strikethrough]] [[cruza?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[montana]]
fol rad. [[strikethrough]] gladiatis glanees[[/strikethrough]] ^[[planis]] acutis
Caule. unifolis vaginata fol long- fl. ovato 
[[au courtiases?]] pet lamé. Stam. égalis

[[pencil and ink sketches showing two views of a plant and 4 details of its seeds with an annotation next to the roots]] brune
[[/sketches and annotation]]
[[Cludule?]]- Iles des Mississ et Missouri 
Yellow Paint of Osage
Menispermum tinctorium?
Rad. tubersis  Cauli unifolio 
fol pettatis subcord. acutis
bacca biluba 5 sperma rubra sépalis
[[stricule?]], edulis

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[pencil and ink sketch of a plant and a pencil sketch of a row of pods on a line, possibly its seeds? with annotations]] 
Missouri Redpaint
Island of Missouri [[/sketches and annotations]]
Rac. rouss.   
Rouge intt.
boulli alum
fait l'ecart. et tous --
même les mains
2 tt poudre
p apprendre le secret

[[pencil and ink sketch of a fish]]
Salmon Pike
Esox fasciolaris
Long. 4 à 5 pieds entt. blanc à bandes
transv. étroites courbées brunes, Nag
dif & Q- brune, chair excellente
le divise en gr- plaques blanc [[de nés?]] gr