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they offered to feed me. Had tough time finding trail from Frosty Mt. north. Ranger showed me but still had difficulty.
  Got back and I dry camped on slope of Springer Mtn. under large fallen tree. Very tired, began to rain lightly in night. I [[hunted slabs ?]] by flashlight and made shelter.
5/ rose at dawn. [[wore ?]] poncho. Reached Springer Mtn. lookout about 7:30. one swallow of water
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in canteen. About 8:30 found spring stopped and cooked cornmeal mush.
[[strikethrough]] ______________________
At shelter on Oglethorp cooked potatoes onions and bits of jerked venisons
Next day (Tues) 6 [[/strikethrough]] about 11:00 found water and cooked oatmeal. Walked nearly ten miles before learning I was off trail (had followed orange blaze. Had to walk back hiked about 25 miles gained about 5

Transcription Notes:
2nd paragraph correct got back to got dark