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[[pencil]] 6 [[/pencil]] headed up peak. Pooped out and had to rest. went last 100 yd by flashlight. Nothing there so back down. to picnic area. and camped rough across stream, keeping fire. ____________________ 10) Left in morn at 7:00 over Tray mtn. again Passed side trail leading to Montray Shelter just beyond. Sign says Snake mtn shelter 10 miles can see river in distance, later took BW pic from Kelly Knob about noon [[end page]] [[start page]] Saw a deer and two grouse on Kelly Knob. Arrived Snake Mtn Shelter about 3:00 best shelter yet, spring close. Left gear and head for town [[insertion]] Titus [[/insertion]] down tote road. found store. Rode up to Gap in truck, hiked back to shelter. Spent good night. hay to sleep on. ____________________________ [[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]] (Sun) Reached NC [[circled date in pencil]] 11 [[/date]] border last mile steep straighaway Weather foggy. trail hard to find. Came to Camp ground, went on and ascended series of switchbacks. Finally arrived summit. of Standing Indian.