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Took picture of power plant + dam. Talked to fishermen. big jolly fat man (DE Powell) said they would take me to store. "Never lost out by being sociable." Bought much needed supplies, he brought me on back. II Said if I killed any rattlers to send him rattles. Followed trail all afternoon up to Bluff Mtn tower and camped there. Fairly comfy [[insertion]]cold[[/insertion]]night.
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[[circled]] 16 [[/circled]] Rose at 5:15 A.M. cooked breakfast and shaved left about 6:30. Followed good trail till reached Pedlar Dam about 11 AM. Talked to men fishing for crappie. Crossed rickety bridge, passed up and around to resevoir. Came on two fellows fishing one was nephew of man
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in charge of dam. Weather threatening, raining by spells. They had three fish, suggested I cook them. Took 'em up. Made biscuit, talking, forgot baking powder. flat. Fried fish,- very good. Left about noon and passed pasture land toward evening after passing up creek valley and talking to group of people. Always lots of people Seen. At sunset finally left high pasture behind and camped under pines (dry) in valley.
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[[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]Rose in morn - Mon - about 6:15 and set out immediately (no water) and climbed to Rocky Mtn. tower. Took pic to S.E. showing mist in valleys. Went on down far side, came to very nice spring and cooked oatmeal breakfast. Peped me up some. Traveled on, many
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