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Left and dawdled at strawberry patches Got late. thunderstorm came. Walked thru refusing offer of lift and it cleared later. Came to Lewis Spring Shelter by moonlight Cold night. rather rough. [[blue line separating day's entries]] Rose early and proceeded to Big Meadows. bought some grub at Tavern. Ate peaches & bread for tardy breakfast. Followed Dark Hollow Trail to Falls. took pics. On way up met man & son from Reading. [[end of page]] [[start of page]] Later met 2 boys [[checkered?checkind]] trail members of ATC. Later was singing when met couple and son from Baltimore. chatted. At Skyland took pic of show horse + talked with roustabout, fixing old buggy, took pic of horses + riders. On up mtn met Ranger Berg who also knew my name. Talked, went on to Little Stony mtn. bowlder in path. took pic. followed on to Thornton Gap, also called Panorama Pass
Transcription Notes:
checkind: maybe misspelled checking.
ink 'Ranger Berg who also knew my name' overwrites
pencil 'Ranger Berg who also knew about me from Johnson.'