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[[start Page]] and cooked dinner at Cooper Lodge, a fine stone camp near the summit; built by Vt Forest Service in memory of Charles P Cooper. Came to Long Trail Lodge just before a thunderstorm broke and was turning east on AT when it began raining. Located trail (blue marked) and crossed meadow (very wet) followed on several miles along old roads then turned up mtn. Rained again and I rough camped in spruce thicket rained all night [blue line separating days' entries]] In morn rose at daylight and moved on [[end page]] [[start page]] crossed grown over ridge. rough clearing as I went. In afternoon lost trail and went cross country to Barnard Gulf road. Located trail went on over two more roads and slept in abandoned barn near Pomfret. Rained all the while [[blue line separating days' entries]] Weather cleared in morn but woods very wet. Couldn't locate trail so went 'round by road thru Pomfret. From W. Hartford followed trail across White River Took Pic of hayfield and mower Had sat down on rock to rest and there was pic . didn't need to move [[end page]]