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[[pencil]] 18 [[/pencil]]

Saturday, June 23, 1860
Lat. (noon) 55°-35'- 00" N.} My 
Long. (")   54°-07'-  7" W.} observations

Our advances to the North are quite moderate.  Headwinds & calms are unwelcome to the Navigator.  Give him fogs, rains, snows, gales, [[underlined]] Storms, [[/underlined]] rather than [[underlined]] calms [[/underlined]].  He prefers to fight the elements rather than be inactive, drifting here & there - [[underlined]] everywhere [[/underlined]] - with the sluggish current. Senaca says: "I would rather be sick than idle."
This morning we had a fine breeze from the S.W. which encouraged us in the hope to reach "Greenland's Icy Mountains" in season to celebrate the 4th of July upon them.  But before two hours of such anticipations had been enjoyed, a calm was around us. We are now [insertion]] simply [[/insertion]] dancing [[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] [[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]]  the "swells" going along- perhaps a knot an hour!
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  Capt. Buddington says he never experienced so [[strikethrough]] much [[/strikethrough]] unfavorable a season for Navigation in these parts as has fell to his lot on this Voyage.  He is deeply anxious for a [[underlined]] fair [[/underlined]] wind that he may push on to the North.

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Sunday June 24th 1860
Early this morning the wind was from the right direction to favor us with good speed.  It soon shifted to the N.W. thus becoming almost a headwind to the course Capt. B. desires to pursue. 
The day is windy & cloudy - the air chilly
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