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[[pencil]] 42 [[/pencil]]
on the increase, - the heavy swells of this morning are being overcome by those from the S.W.
   I am much interested in viewing the swells that come from the various Points - Now & then they meet, as in conflict, [[strikethrough]] & soak [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] raising up [[/insertion]] their white plumes as equal victors of the fray.
[[margin]] 12 1/2 ock [[/margin]] I have been on deck this night to witness the glorious Sun-set - the rich painting of Nature's pencililings - the midnight seen at the North. [[strikethrough]] [[either ?]] [[/strikethrough]] Really it was very fine to see the Sun's reflected light among the clouds moving, as the night [[arrived?]] from where [[strikethrough]] it had [[/strikethrough]] the sun had descended beneath the Western horizon, around to the North & thence on [[entirely?]].
The favorable winds will soon place us in sight of Greenland. My anticipations are numerous & great. I long to be where my soul has been for years. - in the Arctic Regions.
[[end page]]

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[[pencil]] 43 [[/pencil]]
[[Copy on this page has been boxed with heavy black lines]]
Sunday, July 1st 1860

Death has been among us!
"Cudlargo" is dead!!
He now sleeps beneath the Ocean's wave.

This morning "Smith" came to my birth & awaked me saying: "Cudlargo is dead". I immediately arose & found it indeed true.
He died this morning at half past 4 o'clock. But his death was not unexpected, for he had been sinking day by day since we passed the Newfoundland Bank where he took a severe cold [[insertion]] from the Fogs prevailing there [[/insertion]] which hastened his complaint [[insertion]] viz. [[/insertion]] the Consumption

Transcription Notes:
(Cudlargo was the sick Eskimo on board)