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[[in pencil]] 46 [[/pencil]]
down into the deep grave - the abyss of the Ocean - sank the earthly part of "Cudlargo", the noble Esquimo who was returning to his native land, when overtaken by Death. O, what a service! It was one of solemn grandeur!! A Sabbath morning - the sun shining in all its glory - a cloudless sky - the cold, dark, blue Ocean, [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] its heaving bosom, now whitened over here and there with high-pinnacle Ice-bergs - [[insertion]] the sky throned peaks of [[/insertion]] "Greenland's icy mountains" peering down [[strikethough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]]from their [[/strikethrough]] from the distance in the East. These were the [[truthful?]]- aye, the [[underlined]]glorious surroundings [[/underlined]] of this burial at sea on Sunday morning July 1 1860 in Latitude 63°N. when near the [[insertion]] West [[/insertion]]coast of Greenland. 
An hour after the "George Henry" had been given to the leading wind, I turned my eyes back to the grave of "Cudlargo &
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[[in pencil]] 47[[/pencil]]
a Snow White Monument - mountain size - [[underlined]] of God's own fashioning [[/underlined]], was over it!