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[[in pencil]] 133 [[/in pencil]]

with little leaves like Hemlocks and white [[strikethrough]] berries [[/strikethrough]] blossoms which produce [[insertion]] black [[/insertion]] berries with red sweet juice.
Dwarf Willow - Heath - [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] undergrowth wood of various description is intermixed.
The dead-wood, leaves stalks & limbs of the preceding years are [[strikethrough]] far [[/strikethrough]] thickly interspersed with the growing portion of this fuel. [[strikethrough]] For [[/strikethrough]] This accounts for the facility with which Sterry made his fire.
After Sterry had made his fire I noticed it to be spreading rapidly & called his attention to it remarking that it would soon be beyond our control.  The abundance of this fuel around us, [[strikethrough]] seen [[/strikethrough]] to be seen in every direction made dignified "Sterry" [[insertion]] who [[/insertion]] now sports the Lieut. Governor's native-made Boots, say: 'Let'r burn of what use is this to [[ink smear]] any body hemmed in [here?] by these mountains? A furious wind was blowing down from above, which soon set the fire into a roar. There, upon a carpet of Heath, [[strikethrough]] sat [[/strikethrough]] with precipices yawning close by, & high, broken Mountains reaching up into the clouds looking down upon us - did I 
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[[in pencil] 134 [[/in pencil]]

& Sterry dine!  How many [[underlined]] tastes [[/underlined]] were there in our Egg & 2 little fishes!  There is philosophy in everything - especially in eating.  The world eats too much!  Learn to live - to live as we ought. A little food well eaten is better for any one than much badly eaten. Our pleasures have a higher relish when properly used.
Every portion of our food was richly relished. The determination of prolonging our time of dining by dividing the egg and fishes into as many parts as we could conveniently made us enjoy pleasures many and long drawn out. How much practical information did we gain by that egg? I felt as well on completing that dinner which had been divided into [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] such lilliputian parts as though I had eaten [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]]  ordinary [[strikethrough]]ly the [[/strikethrough]] meal & so declared Sterry.  I  must not omit [[insertion]] to say [[/insertion]] that a good smoke [[insertion]] followed [[/insertion]] Sterry with his pipe & I with the stump of a cigar!  As to the food I will also remark that in 5 minutes we could have 
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