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March 17, 1956

Dear Ms. Fleischman:

                Thank you for your won-derful letter of Feb. 12. It makes me feel bad that it has gone unanswered for so long, but we left here Feb. 2 for a six weeks trip to the Southwest, and could not have mail for-warded - So it was not until a few days a-go I got your letter. 

     I don't know know how to thank you for the great tribute to my work, that it contained except to tell you how highly I value it, and that I will keep it and cherish it.

     I agree with you that the tide of mediocrity that seems almost to engulf our modern world is indeed frightening and that the problem of keeping untainted is great. But I do believe that no matter what cultural deserts are created from time to time, there will always arise a new spirit to re-create forgotten values. That doesn't mean of course that we have to lie down and quit fighting.