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  People like yourselves, who are keenly aware of the danger, do more then you perhaps think to neutralize the devastating effects of mass - thinking.
  I was very pleased to learn that you had acquired "In a Deserted House" and "Nighthawks at Twilight". The former I think one of the best of the period, and it always seemed
strange to me it went unsold for so long. I guess it had to wait for someone to come along who understood it. For many it was too bleak, but that wasn't its message at all.
"Nighthawks" needs no comment I guess; I love to see them frolicking in the vanguard of a storm - I think they must use the swirling eddies of wind as we do sliding places. How I envy them - if there were anything at all to the theory of evolution (which I doubt very much) man would long ago have developed wings. And I love the eeriness of a woods at nightfall.
  I wanted wings so often, on our trip, going through the desert, some odd-shaped mountain-peak in the distance called so strongly