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ready in a few years.  And perhaps you would be so kind as to lend some of your Kensetts to us for our triumphant gala opening. By the way, I found a reference for you about your group of drawings.  They are sketches for engraved illustrations for George Curtis's "Lotus Eating: A Summer Book" of 1852. Driscoll dates those sketches 1851.
Here is my combined list of purchased or soon to be purchased drawings: "Windsor Castle" (184?) (Driscoll catalogue number 7), "Stolzenfels" (August 3, 1845) (no. 11), "The Bay of Baiae (?) with Ischia" (1847) (uncatalogued), "Camel's Hump beyond Lake Champlain" (August 25, 1848) (no. 39), "The Great Gorge of the Hudson Highlands from Newburgh" (1848-1849) (uncatalogued), "Catskill Mountains" (1848-1849) (no. 42), "Trees, Franconia Notch" (October 20, 1850) (no. 44), "[[strikethrough]] Niagara [[/strikethrough]] Trees, Franconia Notch (?)" (1850) (no. 48), "Niagara Falls" (circa 1852) (no. 55), "Rocks and Trees near Niagara Falls" (circa 1852) ( no. 56) and "Rocks and Trees near Niagara Falls (?)" (Circa 1852) (no. [[strikethrough]] 56 [[/strikethrough]] 57). I will look for your book, "Modern Art and the Object" [[underline]] mit footnoteworthies[[/underline]]. Thank you. Dan F. 
By the way, I'm supposed to reciprocate for Don Judd in his Marfa, Texas buildings complex. I hope that I [[underline]]won't[[/underline]] find "dry gulch", 'way the hell down there.