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the circumstances, is
the site in which I am penning these lines!
Destiny and the Engineer
have named it Union
Verbum Sapienti 
There is one point, however,
my dear Sir James, upon 
which it were well to 
arrive at a speedy 
understanding - You are
aware that the even tenor 
of my earlier youth has 
been largely perturbed by 
what we might call, 
astronomically speaking, 
the librations of your sex. 
I may add that it is not 
my intention to countenance 
similar librations in 
the future, persuaded,
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as I now am, that they 
would undermine not only 
any ordinary constitution 
[[that? but?]] would be sufficient to 
enfeeble even a Westinghouse 
brake. I have sustained 
with considerable fortitude 
211 of these moral 
concussions but the entire 
Medical Faculty concur 
with me in the opinion 
that the 212th might produce, not only paralysis 
of the heart, but paralogism 
of the brain, and will 
kindly furnish me with 
a certificate to that 
effect, which I shall 
enclose to you in a registered 
letter, along with a Sonnet 
to "Sympathy" which I 
have already commenced 
and dedicated to J.L.
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