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she has chosen to follow for the time being (-unless the time will be elected to be longer) Because of her sensitivity it is felt and delivered convincingly- honestly- and comparing with such reporting done by those conceded to be professionally of the first rank suggested that she investigate the creative possibilities of this subject and occuppy herself [[insertion]] in a searching [[/insertion]] to find the essential plastic forces involved in this expression - particularly now that she seems convinced the army is unwilling to encourage her in this work so far achieved.
   Saw Barry Stavis at her show - a top sergeant-- signal corps - nerve broken from strenuous exertion to achieve results - now returning again to the army hospital.
   So take it easy Bill.
   I am flat on my back - again the last war devastation - my constant side kick literally - too intense an effort brings out his kick - so - I say to you try to be careful.  I always was a wild guy. God gave me a busted back to try to make me sensible - and every once