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You go about it (with scalpel like objectivity) carefully slowly and lovingly --- you treasure every part you find and you weigh carefully what parts are not there --- gradually than the whole person becomes a picture before you --- that is the very nicest way of knowing a person -- and you have to remember Eero that you are very slow in really knowing people --- yes I know but I think I have seen enough of this treasure to have an overall picture of this wonderfull girl but I will admit that the finer the treasure seems the slower one should proceed, but you mentioned that there were many  reason - yes Eero the thing I mentoned before you became very enthusiastic and very much in love in Europe --- that creates many reasons why you should think very slowly --- that has created certain reprecussions at home which have to be thought out. They can only be thought out slowly --- are you sure that you have thought thru everything in Europe - you think so now but give that also a little time. -- and besides Eero are you not talking to god damn much right now - I dont know - perhaps. - Eero i like that dream you had the one about the round chapels and the [[strikethrough]] one you [[/strikethrough]] temporary one you and A. where going to dig foundations for --- it expressed the possibility of temporary but it also clearly said that one never knows one may strike rock - and than one could build a cathedral on the same footings