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Now a few words about divorce so that I don't have to waste the time on the phone with that. This will be a summary and bring you up to date.

Monday noon we will send down to the lawers a whole bunch of things.

a. Conclusive proof that G. M. will not go on for 3 or so more years which is his impression
b. Chart showing office and my income curve since '47 also showing tremendous effect a very favorable G. M. contract made on this curve to prove that G. M. is a unique [[strikethrough]] experi [[/strikethrough]] situation.

c. Compilation (by Joe) of all our & other work thru G. M. showing that we made a fairly low (19%) profit on all work except G M and a mighty high (?) on G. M

d. My personal bookeeping since 1948 showing that the myth that Lily has paid most household expenses is absolutely untrue - instead that I have paid thru my nose.
e. Income Tax stuff showing that I have paid 90% of Lilys taxes since '48 an amount that exeeds what she has paid in household expenses.
f. Present & projeted furnthe income

—Armed with this he will (Ben Jayne) give his couter proposal.
which is 250 per month per child + tuitions until 18 and 200 per month + tuition thru college. + (if it works as a tax deductible - that still has to be checked 20,000 the 1st year 15 the second 10 the 3rd 6 the fourth and then it goes on with 6 until she marries, + layers fee, and in his pocket he has my authority to up this proposal with a direct lump sum payment of 20,000. 

—meeting on this will probably be held Tuesday.

—I do not blame Lily for the high request - I would say that it was worked out by Harry & Paul Hammond - Lily understands very little about money

[[note top right]] You beast! I was just about to send you flowers - for the first time than you wrote about flowers - now you will have to wait - a bit. [[/note top right]]

[[note upper right margin]] What you said about Brandise was very interesting - I want to tell you the sad story about why our work there stinks but if you trust me that can wait 2 years. I also want to talke more about Brandise the chapel etc. with you. [[/note upper right margin]]

[[note lower right margin]] "Mrs" to Vassar was so as not to get you confused with the inmates. [[/note lower right margin]]

[[note center right]] Should California project into first days of August - 2 or 3 is that very bad for you? - Just in case something comes up here that delays departure. [[/note center right]]

[[note bottom margin]] The envelope has a long above Mason Dixon belt history but never mind. [[/note bottom margin]]

[[note left margin]] I talked with Hans on phone - he wants to ask you for lunch & will probably call you. I hope you do it if you can. Lets see if he will pursuade you to pursuade me to design some furniture. [[/note left margin]]