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April 2. 1941

Dear Forbes:
Enclosed you will please find the article I promised to write before I left Washington. I hope you will find it printable.  If you do, please do not hesitate to change or leave out a word or phrase as you see fit, for you know that writing is just a little side issue with me. The art of writing is immense and that is why I shrink and freeze up when called upon to do so.  

And if you think the article is apt to [[strikethrough]] arouse harsh criticism and[[/strikethrough]] create ill feeling [[strikethrough]]and antagonism[[/strikethrough]], please do not hesitate to discard it. I will understand perfectly.  it is an honest expression of my feeling about the Gallery. [[strikethrough]] In case [[/strikethrough]] Should you find it "fit to print", and if it does subsequently raise a little dust [[strikethrough]] subsequently [[/strikethrough]], I know you will intervene in my behalf by persuading the authorites not to deport me. 

With kindest regards to you and Mrs. Watson from Frances and the children,  Max

If the article is published two or three of the [[titles?]] might accompany the text

Transcription Notes:
I wasn't sure if I should transcribe all the strikes he made. In the end, I decided to only transcribe the ones that made the letter more interesting. I added in the rest of the strikethroughs.