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[[pre-printed tab for letters of the alphabet]] C [[/pre-printed]]

Comets may probably be account for from the Sun's sending out Light in direct.n of the Zodiac. 2.23. p.2.
--Copper - vessels are pernicious to prepare food in p. 6.
Colour of Vegetable caused by Oil & Sulphur. p. 8.
------what, & is produced by fire or light. p. 14.
Copernican System, proofs thereof. p. 24.
_______________ what a good draught of one will shew. p. 24.
Compass, destroy'd, poles turn'd quite round, & the direction changed by Lightning. p. 58.
Cold, closes the pores of the earth & keeps vapours from rising. p. 60.
------ its effect upon animal bodies, Vol. I. p.256.
------ Not always the same in the same Latitude. p 60, 139, 140.
Circulation of the blood, which way performed. p. 62
Candle, the effects of one in exhausting a receiver. p 70.
Colours, their divergency removed from object-glasses of Telescopes, by Dollond. p. 70 to 80.
Copper, quantity of its expansion. p. 92.
Contractions, & relaxations of the muscles, & heart of animals, arise from warm-blood, &c. p. 94.
Coral, counterfeit, how made. p. 17.
Cement, how made, p. 19.
Colour, penetrated into Glass & leaves it transp. p. 19.
Cold, a very intense one produced by Sal Armoniac Phil. Trans. Vol. II. p. 161. of Lowthrops Abridgm. see Vol. 48. for 1753, p. 108.
Cholics, how cured. p. 21.
Controversy. V. Hutchinsonian.
Candle, experiments [[insertion]] on [[/insertion]][[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]]  burning them, p. 134.
Coins, of money, wheight of several p. 3.
Clock, a Computation of the powers upone one p. 148.
Cavendish (Ld. Chares) his Thermometers, Philos. Trans. 1757. Vol-51. p. 30.
Composition of Forces, demonstrated a new way, Gent's Mag. for June 1765. p. 259.
Catherine's (St.) water purifies itself there. Vol. II. p 18.
Cough, to cure one p. 23. D⁰. Chincough. p 35.
Constellations of the stars mentioned in Scripture. Vol II. [[line insertion]] p. 53.
---------- of the Indians, vol. II. p. 57.
Cloud, to measure the height of by one person. Vol II. p. 59.
Cycle, the Metonic, Vol. II. p. 59.
Chances, rules for doctrine thereof. Vol. II. p. 61.
Cape of Good Hope, height of hills there D⁰. p. 62.
Charles, K. his quest to the R. S. about a fish, II. p. 16.
[[Chusion's, corrected to read:]] Cushion's to cover them for electricity. Vol. II. p. 79.
Colour, various, given to Wood, Vol. II. p. 90, 91.
Calculi, human, to dissolve it. Vol. II. p. 17.
Cancer Cured, Vol. I. p. 256.
Carduus Benedictus. Vol I. p. 257.
Cure for the bite of a Mad-dog. Vol. I. p. [[257?]]
------of persons apparently drowned--- 258.
Cotes, Wm. his barometrical problem, Vol. II. p. 101.
Corns, an infalliable cure for, Vol. I. p. 23.
Camphor, its solvent powers. Vol. I. p. 23.
Copper, white - how made. Vol. I. p 27.
Camphor, effect of light upon it, Vol. II. p. 107.
Cramp cured. Vol. I p. 35.