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[[pre-printed tab for letters of the alphabet]] F [[/pre-printed]]

Flame, why limited & kept with bounds. 2. 13. p.2
Fire, how is it produce by one body acting upon another. 2. 14. p. 2
------ how prevented from the Friction of a Wind Mill. 15.2
------ is there not a certain degree of Action to produce it. 2. 16. p. 2
------ what it is. p. 10. doctrine of the ancients thereon V. II. p. 15.
------ how supported & increased. p. 10.
------ light & air cause all motions in Nature. p. 10 & 11.
Figures, their Proportion for Dials. p. 18.
Fluids, their Phonomenon & Cause of rising in Capillary Tubes. p. 30 & 32.
Friction in the particles of fluids p. 32. 34.
Fluids, bodies of different Specific gravities immerged therein, phonomenon thereof. p. 34.
------ Rule for light bodies [[underscore]] ascending [[/underscore]] therein, Vol. II. 19. 61.
------ rising in Cap. Tubes, three causes thereof. p. 34.
------------ Will not account for vegetation. p. 34. lateral pressure II. 117.
Fluidity not from Sphericity of particles, but from Light, or heat. p. 34, 36.
Fire, electrical, will not exist without Air. p. 46.
------------ goes [[underscore]] from[[/underscore]] the electrified body. p. 46.
------------ acts according to the Solidity & [[insertion]] not [[/insertion]] the Superficies of Matter. P. 46.
------ most in densest bodies, p. 46.
------ electrical, the cause of thunder &c. p. 57, 59.
------ made from Air. p. 56.
------ Queries on it & what it is, p. 240, &c.
------ Solar or at the Sun, Heb. thereof. p. 64.
------ What. p. 241, 2, 3, 4.
Fossels, how at the Deluge. p. 68.
[[underscore]] Fungus Maximus rotundus [[/underscore]], will cure bleeding. [[19 ?]]
Fusee of a watch inverted. p 121.
Focus of Gasses, a Theorem for them p.126. 146.
Fœtus, how circulation is carried on in it. p. 139.
Fracture of the Skull, case of a Lad, p. 145.
Foot, Ratio of a [[underscore]] French [[/underscore]] to an [[underscore]] English [[/underscore]] one, p. 136.
Fahrenheit, how he graduated his Thermometer, p. 156.
Fluxions, in the abstract, what. p. 294
Ferguson (James) p. 22. His Pyrometer, Lectures, Supplement to them p. 9.
Fitsgeral, His Metal Thermometer & Pyrometer, Philos. Trans. 1761 Vol. 52. p. [[strikethrough: illegible]] 823. & Vol. 51 for 1760. p. 146. compare his barometer with that in Gent's magazine, 1765, June, p. 272.
Forces, (composition & resolution of) demonstrated a new way, Gent's Mag. June 1765. p. 259.
Fergurson on the shadows of a dial, p. 22.
Fish, K. Charles's quest.n to R.S. on one II. p. 16.
Falconer, Wm. M.D. F.R.S. On the influence of heat & cold upon animal bodies. Vol. I. p. 255, 6.
Fluor acid, to engrave upon glass with, Vol. II. p. 106.
Fire-works, curious, Vol. II. p. 106.
Fœtus, reasoning on its state in the womb. II. 116.
Furnace, a Chamber Lamp one, II. p. 117.