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Gold, a Particle of, what is it essentially different from  Steel. Quore. 7. p. 1.
------ Solider than Iron yet not so hard. Q.18. p. 1.
Globes, diff.t ones filling an equal space, will have equal in[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]]terstitial [[interstitial]] space in both. p. 1.
Globe, the [[underscore]] west side [[/underscore]] most [[underscore]] warm [[/underscore]] & fertile. p. 4.
Gravity, not proved nor illustrated by Magnetism. p. 14.
------ Hypothesis concerning it. p 16.
------ No [[underscore]] inherent quality [[/underscore]] of matter. p. 14.
Guilding upon a Dial, a computation thereof. p. 18.
Glass, attracts some liquors & repells some p. 32.
Gravity not the Cause of the Moon's motions. p. 36.
------ makes the Moon revolve upon her own axis p. 36.
------ , its cause & Operation. p. 50.
Gold, pure, Solitity of 1 oz. p. 66.
------Quantity of its expansion p. 92.
Galen, wrong in his distinction of nerves, p. 97.
Grotto, artificial, how made, p. 19.
Gravel or Stone, how cured. p. 19. & 21. & 33. Vol. II. p. 17.
Glass melted for a Miscroscope, Phil. Trans. No. 325. Vol. IV. Part I. p. 205 of Jones's Abrdgmt.
------ Stained of any colour, & left transparent p. 19.
------ Corroded by Sal Fraxini, Vol. III. p. 182. (line 11.
------ es, several, both concave & convex. ground at once upon one block, Gents. Mag. Vol. 22. for 1752. p. 565. Philos. Trans. Vol VIII. p. 281. of Martins Abridgmt.
------ Focus of concave & convex ones found. p 126.
Geometry what p. 294.
Girl, an extraordinary degree of heat borne by one p. 318.
Gage, a sea one, for unfathomable depths, Gent's Mag. for May 1754. p. 215. Philos. Trans. Vol. VI Part ii, p. 163 of Martyn's Abridgt.
Gilding of brass and Silver, p. 33. Vol. II. p. 79.
Greenwich all obs.ns there after 1763 to be published. Philos. Trans. for 1763. p. 168.
Gamboye, for physic - Vol. II. p. 16.
Gold, gilding with. Vol. II. p. 79.
------Amalgama... Do.
Glass, Object, of Telescope, Newton's corrected. V. II. p. 117.