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[[pre-printed]] tab for letter of the alphabet - P [[/pre-printed]]

Particle, of Light, & of Spirit, how made from each other. Quore 2. p.9.  Are they as the Density of Mediums. Quo. 3.p.2
Projectile, a Quore upon the Nature & length of the Curve described by one. Quore. 1. p.2.
Particles, Are they all of the same density in difft. matr. Quore 4. p.1.
Planets, light reflected from them, what may be the effect. Quore 5. p.2.
----- Aphelias of, will Philos. allow any motion thereof Quore 6. p.2.
Particle, what is one of Gold essentially difft. from one of Steel. Quore 7. p.2.
-----s, do they compose Vegetables & Animals. Q.8. p.2.
Plants will grow without Earth. p.6.
Projectiles do not describe Parabolas. p.6.
Parabola, a projectile does not describe one. p.6.
Philosophy H's principles of. p.10. Descartes's. p.11.
Principles, H's, of philosophy p.10. Descartes's p.11.
Plenum throughout the universe. p.10, & 16.
------ is fire, light and air. p.10
Parallax of the fixed Stars observed by Flamsted. p. 26.
-------- by -- Sun observed from Transit of [[?]] p.114&115.
Plants, shorter in Spring & at ye. poles than in Autumn & at the equator. p.36.
------- lodged in fossils, always did & do remain about the same Latitude wherein they grew. p.4.
------- their growth accounted for, & is similar with that of Animals. p.36.
Principles, great ones of Nature. P. 70 }[[inserted]] of motion Gents Mag. vol.20. p. 6.[[/inserted]]]
Problems, isoperimetrical, general method for their solution. by Simpson. p. 84.
-----, on the barometer by Mr. Cotes, Vol. II. p. 101.
Projection, the Stereographic, & orthographic, are both faulty for particular maps of countries p. 88.
Problem, anatomical, on muscular motion, p. 93.
Philosophy, what it is. p. 97.
Pulvis fulminans, [[Rowning?]]. Part II. p. 145 in the Notes
Painting, some good hints & directions of, Gents Mag, vol. 22. for 1752. p. [[underlined]] 525 [[/underlined]].
Phenonenon of the horizontal moon attempted p. 135.
Pendulum, proposed for a standard universal measure. 140.
Pressure of the air does not depend upon exhalations, 152-4.
Problem, about a particular sort of lever. p. 67.
Pyrometer, an improvement in the levers thereof. 67.
Powers of a Clock computed. p. 148.
Pewter, degree of heat to melt it. p. 156.
Pyrometer, Philos. Trans. Vol. 52. for 1761. p. [[strikethrough]] 823 [[/strikethough]] 146.
Philos. Trans. for 1760 vol. 51. p. [[strikethrough]] 146 [[/strikethough]] 823. Fergu-
Son's Lectures, Supplement, p.9. Philos.
Trans. 1754 Vol. 48. p. 598.
[[underline]] Paito [[/underline]] weather there. Vol. II. p. 21.
Phinian period, what & how used Vol. II. p. 59.
Period, the phinian, Do.
Priestly, Dr. denys impenetrability to matter. Vol. II. p. 15.
Priomatic micrometer, vol. II. p. 74.
Pluviometer, vol. II. p. 87.
Plumb-line, error in suspending it to a quadrant. Philos. Trans. 1764. p. 349-353.
Persons, apparently drowned, recovered Vol. I. p. 258.
Phosphorus, stick, how made. vol. II p. 105.
Pulse glass, the phenomenon of, explained. Monthly Rev. Vol. 42. March 1770. p. 207. Vol.63. Jun, 1780.
Pulsations measured by a pendulum. Vol. II. p. 107.
Pendulum applied to measure pulsation. Do.
[end first column]
[begin second column]
Perspiration promoted. p. 35.
Packsong, a Chinese metal, how made. Vol. I. p. 27.
Philadelphia, Lat. Long. Barom. & Thermom. there. Vol. II. p. 108.
Pyrometer from a drop of water --II.105.
Paper, proof against Fire & Water. II.114.
Printers, the composition of their Types. II.114.
Trefsure of fluids Laterally. II. p.117.
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