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Top, how is it continued in motion? Q.27. p.2.
Tables, astronomical. Error therein. p.8.
Time of a Star coming to the Merid. than on the preceding night. p.14.
----- Best, for observing the Zodiacal Light. p. 28.
Tube, capillary, phenomenon thereof. p.30.
--------- rising of liquor in them, not similar with sap in vegetables. p.34.
Tether, [[strikeout]] the Name [/strikeout]] ^[[insertion]] an Emblem [[/insertion]] under which Heathens worshipp'd the Æther, or power that keeps the earth & moon together. p.38.
Telescope, of fixing cross hairs to one. p. 42.
------ fixing one to a Quadrant. p. 42.
----- with 2 plano-convex-lenses in contact for an Eye Glass. p.44.
---- with 2 equal double convex lenses for an Eye Glass. p. 44.
---- how to find their mgnifying powers. p.44 & 146.
Tube, mercury standing 70 inches in one accounted for.
p. 50. & a [[underlined]] Newtonian [[/underline]] contradiction about it.
Thermometer inclosed in a Receiver, rises with heat. 56.
--------Should always be made, when the Barometer stands at 30 inches. p. 56.
-----how Fahrenheit graduated his. p.156.
Thunder and Lightning how caused. p. 58,57.
Tides, a seeming Scripture Cause thereof. p. 66.
Telescopes, Dollond's improvement with double
object-glasses. p. 70, to 80, 215. Vol. II. p. 117, (p. 92.
Top. Spings longer in vacuo than in open air.
Tycho Brahe, how he divided his Quadrant. p. 41.
Talbot, his new invented micrometer. p.110 & 111.
farther considered on p. 128, 129, &c.
Terms, Astronomical & Geographical, their derivation. p. 5.
Tables, Astronom. for the variation of the needle p. 57.
Transit of Venus over the Sun in 1761 observed p. 114 & 115.
Turning of Screws. p 126.
Tin, heat to melt it; 156
--its expansion. p. 157.
Templeman (Dr.) Direction to him. p. 3.
Thermometer (a metal one) Philos. Trans. for 1760. Vol. 51.
p. 823. Philos. Trans. for 1761. Vol. 52. p. 146.
Supplement to Ferguson's Lectures. p. 9.
Philos. Trans. 1757. Vol 50. p. 300. - Do. Abridgt.
Vol. 10 part 2 p. 435. Do. Vol. 2. p. 33. Do. Vol.IV.
part 2. p. 10.
---height at Philadelphia. II. p. 108, 109.
Thales, his doctrine on water. Vol. II. p. 15.
Toads, cured Cancers. Vol. I. p. 256.
Telescopes, a comparison of a 6 feet Newtonian with 2 refractors, in time, by the eclipses of [[?]] Sat. Philos. Trans. Vol. 58. p. 201.
Thermometer made of porcelain & a metal wch. melts in boiling water, instead of mercury. II. 105.
Tartar, emetic, its effects. Vol. I. p. 35.
Tutenog, how made. Vol. I. p. 27.
Types, Printer's, their composition. Vol. II. p. 114.
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy II. p. 117.