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28. To come more closer to the Celestial Motions than in the preceding Quæres it will be proper to account for the beginning and continuation of the Motion of Jones Machine and then add the application of this to the former, all which will undoubtedly reflect great light upon the Subject of Philosophy.

29. How is the double motion of an Electrified glass sphere, revolving round a brass ring, accounted for?  

Part of T. Whites Letter Dated Oct. 6th 1759. is to this effect.  
It is most certain that the four Seasons of the Year were all existing ^ [[insertion]] together [[/insertion]] every day throughout the whole year on the several Parts of the Earth, so that to account for the particular Season in w.[hi]ch the Deluge happened, from Vegetables lodged in Fossils, lies beyond the reach of my present Comprehension.
Mr. White
   Your objection to the evidence drawn from the relicks of the flood, is a very natural one: for as all the seasons exist at once, how can a fossil determine us to any [[underline]] particular [[/underline]] one?  In answer to this, you are to consider, that the seasons go with the [[underline]] Latitudes [[/underline]] to the Northward and Southward--But the course of the waters, by which the substances were carried about and deposited at last in the earth, was nearly to the eastward and westward, at which points, supposing the Lat. the same, the seasons will be the same. which way do you think the [[underline]] tides [[/underline]] would move if the globe were all fluid, and the current no where obstructed by continents? not Northward and Southward, but obliquely from the east to the west, nearly in the same course with the moon: and hence it is, that as the diurnal motion of the earth was contrary to the course of the waters, and the one acted against the other, the mountains and Sea coasts in general are steep and abrupt to the west and south-west in these northern parts of the world (being torn away and broken off by the waters) but gradual [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] and flat to the east and north east--These things considered, you will be satisfied your objection is founded on a mistake--- I am Sir Your very sincere Friend W. Jones.

   A verbal answer to the same objection given me by the same W. J. 
The tides then continued and also the Rotation of the earth round its Axis, so that those plants lodged in fossils [[strikethrough]] prove the time of the year in which [[/strikethrough]] could not move far from the Latitude where they grew; for many Plants and fossils from north America are found in England but none from south America; by observation, the seeds of the same plant seem to be dispersed in parallels of Latitude only, and all mountains & Rocks are broken in the direction of East and West, only.  Hence as fossils and plants are found here in england it follows the time of the Deluge was about the Autumnal quarter.

   In a letter from Captain [[underline]] Barnardo [[/underline]], dated the 27th of June 1640, on the attempt of a N. W. passage, inserted in the New Universal Mag. for March 1752, is the following remarkable narrative.
   "The 14 of [[underline]] July [[/underline]] we sailed out of the E.N.E. end of the lake [[underline]] de Fonte [[/underline]], and passed a lake I named [[underline]] Estricho de Ronquillo [[/underline]], 34 leagues long, 2 or 3 leagues broad, 20, 26, & 28 fathoms of water; we passed  this streight in 10 hours, having a stout gale of wind and whole ebb. [[symbol/drawing of a hand pointing to the right]] As we sailed more easterly, the country grew very sensibly worse, as it is in the north [[strikethrough]] ern [[/strikethrough]] and south [[strikethrough]] ern [[/strikethrough]]; the west differ [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] s not only in fertility but in temperature of the Air, at least 10 degrees; and it is warmer on the west-side than on the east, as the best [[underline]] Spanish [[/underline]] discoverers found it, whose business it was in the time of the Emperor [[underline]] Charles [[/underline]] V. to [[underline]] Philip [[/underline]] III.  as is noted by [[underline]] Alvares [[/underline]], & [[underline]] Costa [[/underline]], & [[underline]] Mariana [[/underline]]. &c."  
   A Red hot iron gains 1/10 of the whole in Bulk & Weight; for the fire lodged in the iron is languid or at rest, and therefore is not the [[underline]] Cause [[/underline]] of Gravity, but itself becomes [[underline]] subject [[/underline]] to Gravity; & consequently must weigh as well as the iron it is mixed with.  Mr. Jones.
   The quality of metals to conduct heat is in the following order, silver, gold, copper, tin, iron, steel, lead, and platina.

Transcription Notes:
change to Quæres, use of brackets in abbreviations EA: I dont think it is Quæres, but rather Quores. However left it as the original transcriber wrote (Quæres).