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[[semi-circled--upper right corner]]48[/semi-circled]]

I am sorry to find, that the modern Wise-men make so light of the Scripture Philosophy, particularly from that famous Passage in [[underline]]Jos[[/underline]].X.12,13. of the Sun standing still; and the shadow of [[underline]]Ahaz[/underline]]'s Dial going back ten Degrees, [[underline]]Isaiah[[/underline]] XXXVIII.8. In both which places the Word [[bold]]שמש[[/bold]] [[underline]]Shemesh[[/underline]] is wrong translated Sun, if by it we mean its Body or Orb; for it signifies only the Light, the Minister, Servant, or Attendant thereof: Thus the same Word [[underline]]Shemesh[[/underline]], [[underline]]Dan[[/underline]].VII.10. signifies ministered or attended about him, like Light in Circulation about the Orb of the Sun; and in Ps. XIX.5,6. the Motion of the [[underline]]Shemesh[[/underline]] is described by its coming out from its Orb; which is fixed; as is expressed here by [[bold]]חפת[[/bold]], and in [[underline]]Job[[/underline]] IX.7. by the Name [[bold]]חרס[[/bold]] [[underline]]Ores[[/underline]]; which Word I take to be compounded of [[bold]]חר[[/bold]] to burn, and [[bold]]רס[[/bold]] to mix; [[bold]]חרס[[/bold]] [[underline]Ores[[/underline]] then is the Fire at the Orb, where what produces Light is mixed; and whence [[שמש]] the [[underline]]Shemesh[[/underline]] is poured out to perform its Operations. So that the Truth of the Matter both in [[underline]]Joshua[[/underline]] and [[underline]]Isaiah[[/underline]] seems to have been the stopping or making the Light recede on a particular Point of that Hemisphere. 'Tis hard to determine, whether this was an extraordinary Production of Light, like the Cloud, &c. in the Wilderness, or an over-ruling the [[underline]]Shemesh[[/underline]] in its Operations, and thereby stopping the Globe in its diurnal Rotation: I am inclined to think the former was the Case; because if the Earth's Rotation was suspended, a Series of Miracles seems necessary to have prevented a Variety of inconveniences attending the sudden Suspension of the Earth's Revolution, such as over-turning all the Buildings upon it, occasioning immense Inundations, and the like. Any one May easily conceive, were even a Ship under full Sail to be stopped suddenly, that everything moveable on the Decks would be carrted[[?]] to great Distance; and how vastly does the Motion of a Ship fall short of the other? Aboab, on X. [[superscript]]anity[[/superscript]] Preface. p.13&14.

The [[strikethrough]]Proportion and [[/strikethrough]] measure of very good Proportioned Figures upon a Dial, I have taken with a Scale of half an inch, as follows. [[image to right margin - figure 1, depicting Roman numeral II]] [[image to right margin below fig.1 - fig.2, depicting Roman numeral XI]] [[image to right margin below fig.2 - fig.3, depicting Roman numeral VI]][[images marked with letters at the vertices as if geometrical figures]]

[[two columns divided by a line]]
[[column 1]]
Fig.1.  CD = 1,38.    CF = 10,8. 
AB = ,25.
AC = ,5.
Fig.2.&3. DI = 1,84.
DG = 3,68. 
[[column 2]]    
Fig.1.DE or
Fig.2,3LK = ,95
DP = 5,25.
N.B. These Figures annexed are not drawn after these proportions particularly DI in fig. 3 is much too wide.
[[end columns]]

The Superficies of the Gold upon The Rev.[[superscript]]d[[/superscript]] M.[[superscript]]r[[/superscript]] Trotter's Dial which I had guilt for him, I have computed, as follows. 

Superf. Inches
381,528 Moulding round the Sides.
95,0334, Sun, or Ornament in the Center, & Motto from [[underline]]Matt[[/underline]].
115,516. Broad Strokes of the Figures.
4,428, little D^o.
112,5, Stile, Supporter, & foot

Sum. 709,0054 [[superscript]] [[/superscript]] allowing 9 Square inches to one leaf of Gold, makes 78,7783 Leaves = 3 Books & 6, 3/4 leaves, allowing 24 leaves to a book (which is bought for 2.[[superscript]] S [[/superscript]]) but sometimes 3 1/4 inches in the Side of a Square leaf of Gold, or 10,5625 Square inches, at which Rate 67,1 leaves or 2 books, 19,1 leaves are upon the Dial.

Our Translation of the Scripture seems to assert the immobility of the Earth, and the Motion of the Sun & heavenly bodies, in these passages, 1Chron.16.[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]30.1 Ps. 93.1. Ps. 96.10 Ps.104.5 Eccles.1.4. Ps.119.90. Gen.19.23. Gen.15.17. Eccl.1.5 Ps.19.5. Josh.10.12,13. 2Kings 20.10. Isa. 38.8. Holm's Grammarian's Geography & Astronomy p. [[?222]] 
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