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The Copernicorn or Solar System, drawn large and upon the principle of Elliptic Orbits, with the Ecliptic divided into [[strikethrough]] degrees [[/strikethrough]] signs, degrees, and Months & days properly fitted thereto will shew, the order and revolution of the Planets; how the different Seasons are produced, with the sun nearest in the Winter; the Several p [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] h [[/insertion]] ases or appearances of the Moon; her Apogee, Perigee, Syzygia and Parallax; the line of the Apsis or Apsides of a Planet; its higher Apsis, or Aphelion; and lower Apsis or Perihelion; the Nodes; and line of the Nodes; Eclipses both Solar and Lunar; the true and mean Anomaly of the Earth & Planets; thence the Prosthaphæresis, Equation of time, Eccentricity of their Orbits; how they may be in conjunction and opposition with the Sun and with each other; thence how Venus has the like p [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] h [[/insertion]] ases with our Moon, which confirms this System against all others; the greatest Elongation of the inferior Planets Venus & Mercury; how a planet becomes an Evening Star for several months, and after that, ^ [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] same may be a Morning Star for a like time; the Annual Parallax of the fixed Stars; and the Path of a Comet; &c.

Criterians of the Copernican System

1. If our Earth were in the Center, and the [[underlined]] Sun [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]], and Mercury finished their revolutions about it in such different Times, it must necefsarily happen, that, while the [[underlined]] Sun [[/underlined]] is on one Side of the Earth, [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Mercury [[/underlined]] must be on the opposite Side; as now the Earth and either of these Planets are frequently on opposite Sides of the Sun; because the Orbit of the Earth is exterior to that of [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Mercury [[/underlined]], they can never get to the Side of the Earth, opposite to the Sun. But if the Earth were placed in the Center, what happens to the Sun now would happen to the Earth then. 

2. The other Planets appear to us, sometimes to [[underlined]] stand still [[/underlined]], and sometimes to [[underlined]] move backward [[/underlined]], instead of going forward, which is an Appearance they could not make to us, if we were in the Center of their Motions. - Since the Planets nearer the Sun perform their Revolutions sooner, on a double Account, both as their Motions are swifter, and their Orbits lefs; the interior or lower Planets must seem, by their swifter Revolution, to cast the exterior Planets behind them, or backward among the fixed Stars: and thus [[underlined]] Mars [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Jupiter [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Saturn [[/underlined]], must seem to us to move back a little among the fixed Stars, as our Earth pafses betwixt the Sun and them with a quicker Motion: thus they appear to go backward while they really move forward. -Again, if [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]] pafs between us and the Sun, while Mercury moved on the other Side of him, though both proceeded the same way, or followed each other, yet they would seem to meet and Crofs: Whence [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]] must appear to go backward, or contrary to the order. This, which shows the [[underlined]] Copernican [[/underlined]] Order of the Solar System