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[[hand written page number; upper right corner]] 62 [[/hand written page number; upper right corner]] 

that the western side of [[underline]] Norway [[/underline]] lies nearest the great ocean, and the frost is there difsolved by the watery exhalations that are perpetually mixing with the air as they rise from the sea.
    Where the winter is extreme cold, the summer is hot in the same degree; of which there cannot be a stronger instance than in that barley in [[underline]] Norway [[/underline]] grows up and ripens in six weeks.  Gents Mag. 1755. p. 220 & 221. from Bp. [[underline]] Pontoppidan's [[/underline]] natural History of [[underline]] Norway. [[/underline]]

    Since the north wind always blows from a cold climae, it must therefore be always cold; and the east wind form a new portion of the earth's orbit, just beginning to be heated & enlightened by the annual motion of the earth, must also be cold; the south wind from an hot climate, it must likewise be hot; and the west wind from a portion of the earths orbit, just left in great warmth, must necefsarily be warm.  W.J. But I should imagine that the earth's diurnal motion will always moderate the cold of the east wind by turning the particles last heated towards the east, from whence the wind blows: [[strikethrough]] moreover [[/strikethrough]] I should also presume, that the west wind will always be moderated with cold, by the earth's diurnal motion, because that part, which is ^but^ just beginning to be heated, is thereby turned towards the west, from whence the wind blows.

    "The blood appears, by the mi[[strikethrough]]croscope, to flow from the arteries to the veins immediately, which is easily seen in the webs of frogs, tails of fishes, [[underline]] mytuli [[/underline]], &c.; and I doubt not, would appear so in muscles, if they were thin enough to become transparent for viewing with glasses.  Therefore the arteries and veins may be considered as continued tubes, terminating in nothing; but as the arteries arise immediately from the heart, so they run to the extremities of the lungs and body, ramifying and decreasing in diameter, till they become invisible to the naked eye, and gradually become veins, which arise into trunks, increasing in diameter till they arrive at, and open into, the heart again.  So that nutrition and the secretions are carried on by minute twigs, from these continued capillary canals (i.e. where the arteries degenerate into veins) sent off to the glands, and to the parts to be nourished." [[underline]] Martin's [[/underline]] Abrid. Philos. Frans, Vol.X.p.1137.

    If there ever was any such thing as Astrology, the eastern people or Caldeans must have had it; because they were possessed of all the Knowledge in the world: if they had it with any degree of assurance or Truth, why did they not calculate the greatest
Nativity [[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
The writing of a double "s" as "fs" is correct for this period. The "f" was known as a tall "s" and indicates a soft "s" sound. Spelling is correct, please do not correct. In response to the question of fs versus ss, the Smithsonian Libraries is deferring to the fact that what appears to be an f is actually an s since there is no crossbar. We prefer to follow the convention of spelling versus the convention of calligraphy at the time. The use of the ampersand symbol accompanied by a small "c" was a common pre-1920 way to write "etc". Please do not correct.