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Nativity in the world, being that of Christ; and if the old Planets or Stars were designed by God to foretel events upon earth, why then did God create a new mirac^[[insertion]]u[[/insertion]]lous star to guide the Eastern Magi, to the place of Christ; which could not be a revolving Planet, because it stood over the very place where Christ was [[space left blank]] Again, Christ was born to give Light to this world at the very instant the natural Sun, the light of this world, was in the very depth of Darkness; for he was born at midnight, and in that year the shortest day fell on the 25th of December, the day now celebrated for his birth. W.J. See allso the converted men in [[underlined]] Acts [[/underlined] XIX.19.

A Bag with a line and weights, amounting in the whole to 88 oz, were weighed at the surface of the earth, at the edge of a Coal pit 20 Fathom in depth, when the line and bag of weights fixed at the bottom of the scale, wherein they before had been weighed, these 88 oz amounted but to 87; for the opposite scale exceeded by the weight of three half–pence equal to 1 oz. This experim [[supercript]] t [[/superscript]] was procured out of [[underlined]] Cumberland [[/underlined]] by W.J. and kept by him as a great secret.

A Serpent was an Emblem of the Spirit, and likewise of the Light; two of them twisted together round a Rod, as the [[underlined]] Caduceus [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] Mercury [[/underlined]], were an emblem of the joint Action [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] or struggling [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] of the Light and Spirit, which, the sacred pen men, in Holy writ, call [[strikethrough]] [[three Hebrew symbols]] [[/strikethrough]] [[four Hebrew symbols]] [[underlined]] Shekaq^[[u]]im [[/underlined]], Strugglers, and is referred to, under the emblem of [[underlined]] the crooked Serpent, [[/underlined]] by Holy Job. in his XXVI. Chapter & 13th verse. 

Air or Spirit is made by the adhesion of the atoms of Heaven into lumps or grains; to this God refers in Job. XXXVIII. 37, 38. "Who numbered, and so settled the Quantity of the Æthers, and the Defluxes of Air who caused them to fall down, for melting the Dust into Concretes, so that they adhere in Grains?" [[underlined]] Bate's [[/underlined]] answer to [[underlined]] Jennings [[/underlined]] p.16. 

שמש [[underlined]] Shemesh [[/underlined]] The Solar Light
ירח The Lunar Light
[[Hebrew]] The Heat of the Sun
[[Hebrew]] Solar Fire
[[Hebrew]] The Whiteness of the Moon
[[Hebrew]] The fluxes or light of the Stars 
יום, [[underlined]] Jom, [[/underlined]] a Day, from the Root
[[Hebrew]], [[underlined]] Hom [[/underlined]], ([[underlined]] Strepitus [[/underlined]]) a Noise, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Stir and bustle of Works.
לילה, a Night, from the Root ילל

Transcription Notes:
Fixed capitalization, added commas by Hebrew symbols -Margaret Jeanne fixed typos and capitalization --megshu "shekaq" changed to "shekaqim" as transliterated from the hebrew by author. note should be added indicating that hebrew words are written correctly, from right to left.