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the above given weights were taken.

  [[circled]]Lord [[\circled]] Bacon with his Table of Specific Gravities says, that the space which holds exactly one ounce of pure Gold will hold 1. [[superscript]] Pwt [[/superscript]] 3 Gr. of common water; whence by [[underline]] Ward[[/underline]] 's  Table I find that Space to contain ,096533 of a solid inch (from the Gold). 

  The hardest terrestrial Solids as Marble &c. were dissolved at the Deluge; but all animal and vegetable Bodies, Bones, Teeth, Shells, Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and even the tenderest Parts of them, such as leaves, remained entire and altogether undissolved or unhurt; Witness the Parts of Vegetable and Animal Bodies, dug up in all Places, and on every side of the Globe, many of them fair, unaltered, and perfectly well preserved to this day. And those undissolved bodies some of them are incoperated with the substance of the dissolvable and the Strata lies as [[strikethrough]] a sediment [[/strikethrough]] sediments settled from Water. [[printed]][This is an untruth][[\printed]] Now [[underline]]the Cause of the Cohesion of the Parts of Fossils was quite different from that of Vegetables and Animals [[/underline]], the latter are made up wholey of Fibres: and those Fibres are interwoven each with other, tyed, twisted, and complicated together; by which means the Cohesion of all the parts is maintained and preserved. But the Cohesion of the Parts of Fossils is owing to quite a different Cause. The Solidity of Fossils is undoubtedly the effect of Gravity. All sorts of these bodies are composed of Granules, only applied, and contiguous, to each other; but independant, and not any way connected, or tyed together; (which the Parts of Vegetables and Animals are); and they are all held together merely by the Compression and Gravitation of the external Ambient, the Air, AEther, and other component Parts of the Atmosphere wherein they exist. So that nothing more was needful, for the total Dissolution of these, than the Suspension of the Cause of their Solidity, I mean Gravity or the compression of the Air. This would in no wise effect the Vegetables & Animals. 

Gen. VIII. 21. 22. Appears to intimate that there was then, for the time, a Suspension not only of the diurnal, but of the annual Motion of the earth, and consequently of [[underline]]Summer[[/underline]] & Winter, as well as of [[underline]]Day and Night[[/underline]] So that Fossils Destitute of Gravity should not be slung according to the diurnal Motion of the earth. - - D. [[superscript]] r [[\superscript]][[underline]]Woodward[[/underline]] here seems to admit so much gravity as to Affect the Vegetables and Animals but not the Fossils, how this can be I know not - [[strikethrough]]Why[[/strikethrough]] How could the Gravity cease or be diminished at all, since the Cause thereof, the Light and Air remained? By a miraculous Power, which preserved the Ark also.