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her apparent Semidiameter, is but of 13397 Feet, or of 14367 Feet: Which, at the Distance of 64 Semidiameters from her Center, subtend an Additional Angle of 35", 17'", 775 or of 30", 35'", 616. But this can afford no sufficient Answer to the Objection mentioned N [[superscript]] o [[/superscript]]. 2. And knowing already the Parallax of the Sun, we must have our Recourse to the Refraction in the Atmosphere of the Moon, or to the Distance of the Moon from the Earth, or to a Complication of these two Causes at once.

[[left margin]] A necessity of increasing [[symbol - Sun]]'s Parallax, or the Refraction of [[symbol - crescent Moon]]'s Atmosphere.[[/left margin]]

13. The Distance of the Moon from the Earth is certainly greater than Sir [[underlined]] Is. Newton [[/underlined]] took it to be. And so much the more we suppose it increased; so much the more [[underlined]] cæteris paribus [[/underlined]], must we diminish the Breadth of the Shadow which Sir [[underlined]] Isaac [[/underlined]] wants to increase, that it may answer the Phenomena in Lunar Eclipses. Therefore increasing the Distance of the Moon will not account for the Phenomena: But, on the contrary, so much the greater will be the Necessity of having Recourse to the Increase of the Sun's Parallax. And the Consequence of this will be a Necessity of proper Refraction in the Atmosphere of the Moon, that we may account for the Phenomena in Solar Eclipses; or for the Proportion of 100 to 365, which Sir [[underlined]] Isaac Newton [[/underlined]] gives to the Diameters of the Moon and of the Earth; and to which Proportion the Projections for Solar Eclipses being fitted duly, they will then answer nearly to 
[[left margin]] To measure the Refraction of [[symbol - crescent Moon]]'s Atmosphere. [[/left margin]] 
the Phenomena. And by this means the Measure itself of the Refraction of Light in the Atmosphere of the Moon will be found, since I have found the Sun's Parallax already. But