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fluence of that [[underline]] Refraction [[/underline]] upon the Longitude, or upon the Moments of Immersions or Emersions  of fixed Stars eclipsed by the Moon, yet [[underline]]its Effect[[/underline]] does never remove the apparent places of the fixed Stars, from their true Places, by a greater Space than 4' 24" at most, taking this for double the horizontal Refraction in the Moon's Atmosphere. For sometimes that Removal is scarc^ely sensible at all; namely, when the Rays of Light coming from the Star do not pass quite close by the Surface of the Moon.
17. It were to be wished that, beside the other Errors arising from that [[underline]] Refraction [[/underline]] so often mentioned, [[underline]] it [[/underline]] had not occasioned innumerable Difficulties and Errors, in the Calculations of the Places of fixed Stars eclipsed by the Moon; and of the Places of the Moon, at the Moments when those Eclipses did begin or end. And therefore may those excellent and laborious Astronomers, who have employed themselves in making Tables of the Places of the fixed Stars, have Time to revise and correct them; at least as far as this so long concealed Refraction may have occasioned any Errors in them! For if that cannot be done; the whole Work, in reference to the Zodiacal Stars, must be revised, or begun again; And the Places of all those [[underline]]fixed Stars[[/underline]] must be ascertained, by whose  Eclipses, or the near Passage of the Moon to [[underline]]them[[/underline]], the Longitude may possibly be found. This Work may be soon dispatched; if Astronomers will set in earnest abo [[corner of page folded over]]