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about it; and do either find, or else do not despise those necessary and numerous Directions which may possibly be given them, in order to finish quickly the Work, and to render it more safe and perfect.
18. So for [[underlined]] Sover ^ [[insertion]] e [[/insertion]] igns [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Legislators [[/underlined]], they have it in their Power to direct, if they please, and encourage accurate Astronomers, to go on as soon as possible thro' so very useful and profitable a Work. For upon it, under God's Providence, may depend in some measure the Prosperity and Quickness of their Navigation; the Fortune of their Merchants; and the Lives of their Mariners, and of the Sea-faring People who are exposed to the same Dangers with them.
19. Many of the numerous Equations, which Sir [[underlined]] Isaac Newton [[/underlined]] brought into the Theory of the Moon, will be greatly affected, by the Difference of the Elements or Foundations which he built upon, from those truer ones which result from our Demonstrations. And some of those [[underlined]] Equations [[/underlined]] (by whose means he comes often to a true Conclusion, notwithstanding his fundamental Mistakes) would necessarily lead us into Errors, if they were admitted indifferently into our truer Theory. But before I consider these Things further, I intend, if God please, to publish, and that perhaps in my next Discourse, another fundamental Theorem, of the greatest Consequence for perfecting the Moon's Theory: And whose Use, in reference to all passed or future Observations of the Moon, is really inestimable; as all sincere Astronomers will readily confess. Gent. Mag. 1738.
p. 185 &c. [[underlined]] Worcester [[/underlined]] March 29. 1738. N. Facio [[underline]] Duillier [[/underline]].

Transcription Notes:
Unsure how to properly annotate the insertion of the letter "e" into the word "sovereign" near the beginning. - Aleks that was almost exactly right! just want a ^ and some spaces -megshu --author is Nicholas Fatio de Duillier, but varied spellings are common