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[[left margin]] A correction of a Mistake in the discourse began on p. 188. from the Gents Mag. [[underline]] p. 265. 1738. [[/underline]] [[/left margin]]

In my Discourse [[underline]] supra [[/underline]], there is a Mistake, occasioned by my having chosen, for facility sake, to make FD equal to FM; which made me, by Inadvertency, suppose absurdly that a Star placed in D did disappear in F.  This Mistake has made me to magnifie too much the Errors in Longitude and Latitude, which the Refraction of Light in the Moon's Atmosphere exposes us to.  I wish it had rather made me to extenuate them.  However, that Mistake being amended, the Discoure will remain sound, as well as the New Conclusions drawn from it.
2.  I intended to prevent any such M[[insertion]]^ i [[/insertion]]stake, by communicating beforehand my Discourses to some proper Judges.  But one would think that those Persons who might be Judges are unanimously resolved to have nothing to do with my Theory:  Nor can I learn as yet that there is any One, that does openly declare for it.  Therefore, since I must do the whole Work alone; I hope the Publick and yourself will forgive me any such Mistakes, and accept of my rectifying them as soon as I can; as I do here.

[[left margin]] Fig 46. [[strikethrough]] of Plate [[/strikethrough]] [[/left margin]]
3.  Upon the Diameter FN take FD of any length.  And about the Pole P [[underline]] draw [[/underline]] thro' the point F [[underline]] the Arc [[/underline]] F [[underline]] e [[/underline]], which cuts the limb of the Moon in the points [[underline]] i [[/underline]] and [[underline]] e [[/underline]]; [[underline]] and the Arc [[/underline]] D[[underline]] O [[/underline]]O, which cuts the Circle F[[underlined]]ʃ0[[/underlined]] N  in [[underline]] O [[/underline]] and the Limb in O. And in the Triangle CP[[underline]] e [[/underline]], I find the Angle CP[[underline]] e [[/underline]] or the Arc F[[underline]] e [[/underline]] to be of 9'12",3: Which Arc, expressed in Parts of a great Circle gives F[[underline]] e [[/underline]] of 8'12", 1.  And to describe this Arc, the Moon would require 17 minutes 34 seconds, if we reckon her horary Motion at 28'; or else 12 minutes 57 Seconds, if we reckon her horary Motion at 38'.  In the first case, the Error in Lon-

Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman - minor edits