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diurnal Encrease of Declination no less than 26".  And as to the [[underline]] Observations of the Ancients [[/underline]] we have none left but those communicated by [[underline]] Ptolomy [[/underline]]; and how little he is to be depended upon appears from his Error in the Latitude of [[underline]] Alexandria [[/underline]], the Place of his Habitation, which he made no less than 13 Min. more than M. [[underline]] Chazelles [[/underline]] has yet found it.  To this I shall add the Opinion of the compleatest Astronomers any Age ever produc'd, I mean Dr HALLEY: His Words are these, †[[underline]] But whether it were really true, that the Obliquity of the Ecliptic was, in the Time of [[/underline]] Hipparchus [[underline]] and [[/underline]] Ptolomy, [[underline]] really 22 Min. greater than now, may [[strike through]] be [[/strike through]] well be question'd, since [[/underline]] Pappus Alexandrinus, [[underline]] who lived but about 200 years after [[/underline]] Ptolomy, [[underline]]makes it the very same [[insert]] that [[/insert]] we do. [[/underline]] Upon the whole then I must leave it to the Consideration of the Judicious, Whether this pretended Decrease of the Obliquity of the Ecliptick, is not much more properly to be attributed to the Inaccuracy of Instruments, and the different Tables of Refraction, than any real Motion in the Circle itself?  And whether there can possibly be invented a more certain Method of determining this very important Point, than what I have, by your Means, exhibited to the Publick?
        † [[underline]] Philosophical Transactions, [[/underline]] N [[superscript]] o [[/superscript]] 355.
         [[strike through]] See p. 264, 268 [[?]], & 310. [[/strike through]]
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