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faithful Observations of this Sort) that if the Observations did declare in favour of Sir [[underline]] Isaac Newton [[/underline]], and against me, I must submit; since I do not desire [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] that any System, but Truth alone, may prevail. And if the like Observations have been made at [[underline]] London [[/underline]], or any where else, I doubt not but I shall be deemed already self-condemned, and very obstinate, [[strikethrough]] If [[/strikethrough]] if I go on to defend my own System. 
4. However, since I look sincerely for Truth; and it seems most improbable that any Objection can invalidate what I have so clearly demonstrated, I beg leave to examine here, whether those [[underline]] Worcester Observations [[/underline]] have that Strength against me, which they seem to have. 
5. And first of all, it is plain that if [[underline]] they [[/underline]] are able to overthrow my System, that of Sir [[underline]] Isaac Newton [[/underline]] must likewise fall; since the Moon's Dichotomy did evidently follow, and not precede the Time of the Moon's Quadrature. But if this Objection against Sir [[underline]] Isaac Newton [[/underline]] can be answered; I may justly suppose, that the like Objection against me can be answered also. 
6. I have appealed to the Dichotomys in general. And it is by Chance only, or for Conveniency Sake, that those [[underline]] Worcester [[/underline]] Observations have been made at any Time of the first Quarter of the Moon. Therefore I may justly require, that accurate Observations of Dichotomys be made indifferently, at the Time of the first and [[insertion]] ^ of the [[/insertion]] last Quarter: And this, by observing also the apparent Diameter of the Moon, and the apparent Breadth of her enlightened Part. For these are the first Grounds which we may build upon. 
7. As, in the first quarter of the Moon, her Section was seen as it were straight, two Hours or four Hours after the [[underline]] Quadrature [[/underline]], as [[underline]] it [[/underline]] is set down in the Ephemeris: So, in the last Quarter of the Moon, we