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we may expect to see her Section as it were straight, in the like Cas [[strikethrough]] ses [[/strikethrough]], two ^ [[insertion]] Hours [[/insertion]] or four Hours before the Quadrature in the Ephemeris. And if it shall happen that we do so, this Circumstance will as much favour me against Sir [[underlined]] Isaac Newton [[/underlined]], as the [[underlined]] Worcester [[/underlined]] Observations do favor him against me.  Now, this shall be the Decision for which I would be understood to have appealed to the Heavens.  Namely, If the Observations of Dichotomys happening in the last Quarter of the Moon, do seem as favorable to Sir [[underlined]] Isaac Newton [[/underlined]], as do those observations of the Dichotomy observed at [[underlined]] Worcester [[/underlined]] in the first Quarter of the Moon: Then I see not how to reconcile those Observations with my Demonstrations, or with my System; except it be done as I may ^ [[insertion]] perhaps [[/insertion]] hereafter declare.  But if the Observations of Dichotomys happening in the last Quarter of the Moon shew us the Section of the Moon [[strikethrough]] to be straight [[/strikethrough]] as continuing sensibly straight, for about two Hours or four Hours before the Quadrature:  Then I see not what can be said, to justify the common System followed by Sir [[underlined]] Isaac Newton [[/underlined]].
 8.  I shall not oppose or answer any Persons that will pronounce against me, from Observations of Dichotomys happening in the first Quarter of the Moon. But, for my part, I intend to wait patiently; till we be provided with proper Observations of Dichotomys happening in her last Quarter, as well as in the first. Gent. (Mag. 1738 .p.305.)
N. Facio, [[underlined]] Duillier. [[/underlined]]
Worcester, May 16, 1738.

Transcription Notes:
minor edits. "Cas[[?]]" in line two - intentional strikethrough or smudge? not sure whether it does say "Casses" -megshu