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[[left margin]] From Gents Mag. p. 332. 1738. [[/left margin]]

[[underlined]] The Moon's Dichotomy observed the 15th of [[/underlined]] May 1738. [[underlined]] Dichotomys overthrow the [[/underlined]] Newtonian [[underlined]] System: And established the very long oval Figure of the Moon. [[/underlined]]

1. I THINK it proper to add some [[strikethrough]] thing [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] what [[/insertion]] more, to what I have said already concerning the Moon's Dichotomys, and the Determination of the Sun's Parallax by them.
2. I say then that the Utility and exactness of this Method is partly obvious in the Dichotomys of [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]] and of [[underlined]] Mercury. [[/underlined]] For if one Dichotomy of [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]] were observed, when the Center of the Circle, that terminates her inlightned Part, appears at 40 Degrees Distant from the Center of the Sun, we might conclude, that, As the Radius, is to the Secant of 40 Degrees, or as 100, is to 149 1/2: So was the Distance of the Center of that Circle in [[underlined]] Venus [[/underlined]] from the Observator at the Time of the Dichotomy, so the Distance of the Center of the Sun from him at the same time.
3. Likewise if one Dichotomy of [[underlined]] Mercury [[/underlined]] were observed, when the Center of the Circle, that terminates his inlightned Parts, appear at 28 Degrees Distance from the Center of the Sun, we might conclude that As the Radius, is to the Secant of 28 Degrees, or as 100 is to 113 1/4: So was the Distance of the Center of that Circle in [[underlined]] Mercury [[/underlined]] from the Observator at the Time of that Dichotomy, so the Distance at which the Center of the Sun was then from him. We might argue in the same manner, concerning the Dichotomy of Comets. 
continued on p. 217. 

Transcription Notes:
minor spelling/punctuation edits -megshu