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[[left margin]] Curious Queries on Light and Heat [[/margin]]

Phlilosophical Queries, insinuating that [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]] and heat are two different substances existing independantly of each other.  Publish in a Mag. about the Year 1764 or 1765. and which were extracted & given me by M[[superscript]] r [[/superscript]]. White of Corby. as follows
1. Warmth is felt in a dark place.  The Light may be permitted in a place and yet the place excessive cold.  A dark chamber heated by a stove will continue dark. Quere, is not here [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]] without [[underlined]] heat [[/underlined]], and [[underlined]] heat [[/underlined]] without [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]]?
2. The moon lighteth resplendently, but not heateth. Quere?
3. The top of the [[underlined]] Alps [[/underlined]], peak of [[underlined]] Teyde [[/underlined]] in the isle of  [[underlined]] Teneriff [[/underlined]], summit of [[underlined]] Condeleras [[/undelrined]] of [[underlined]] Peru [[/underlined]] in the heart of the Torrid Zone, is the sharpest cold with the brightest light.  Is not here [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]] without [[underlined]] heat [[/underlined]]?
4.  The Rays of the moon contracted by a focus five hundred times brighter than the full moon, warms nothing, nor raises the least motion in the Thermometer. Is not here [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]] without [[underlined]] heat [[/underlined]]?
5.  Chrystal glass and precious stones full of light but cease being so as soon as red hot. Can this [[underlined]] heat [[/underlined]] be [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]]?
6.  If light was heat we should have excessive heats before the solstice, as after, and in [[underlined]] May [[/underlined]] as in July.  Would not this be the case?
7. The body of light an immense fluid always about, but not always moved and vibrated as far as us. It may be vibrated, driven, by the sun, by a conflagaration, a flambeau, a spark, and all inflamed bodies; but is not the production of them. Hence undoubtedly Moses begins his account of the creation with the body of light. Is not this the case?
8. If the Lanthorn on the tower of [[underlined]] Messina [[/underlined]] is perceived in the space of only eight cubic leagues, itself in the center, it fills the whole space. If a Lanthorn be darkened, the light disappears, but when uncovered fills the said space with [[underlined]] new [[/underlined]] light instantly, what an immense quantity of light must be [[underlined]] produced [[/underlined]] from this lanthorn in one night. Can this be true?
9. As the air exists before the bell strikes it, so the light exists about the [[underlined]] Spharos [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] Messina [[/underlined]] before the erecting of the Lanthorn, wanting only the action of fire to make it visible. why may not this be true?
10. As the Air forms no emanation from the bell which strikes it: why should the light from the sun or any other luminous body?
11. If light was a production of luminous bodies, the [[underlined]] Owl [[/underlined]] and other nocturnal animals could not see in the night. The pupilla of he owl us susceptible of great dilitation, whereby its eye assembles [[insertion]] ^ a [[/insertion]] great quantity of that feeble light. The [[underlined]] cat [[/underlined]] still passes for [[insertion]] ^ being [[/insertion]] the rival of the [[strikethrough]] night [[/strikethrough]] owl in this faculty: as also the [[underlined]] Mole [[/underlined]] in its subterraneous abode. Can

Transcription Notes:
In point 3, I believe this is what is now called Mt. Teide on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands.