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observes, the constriction on the miliary glands may render the nerves of the skin in a degree paralytic, and this I am inclined to believe may be in some measure the case from the insensibility which occurs in the access of fevers, especially † intermittents, where the cold fit is the most strong and distinguishable.
The secretion of the bile is diminished by cold, and its quality rendered less acrimonious. The urinary and alvine evacuations are more regular, and more proportioned to the quantity of food taken in. The bodily strength is also greater, the bulk of the body larger, and its humours less disposed to putrefaction. ibid Chap. III. p 5.

[[left margin]] Learning & knowledge beneficial to the intellectual faculties. [[/margin]]
Literature seems to be to the mental capacity what cul[[insertion]] ^ t [[/insertion]]ivation is to the soul. Though it may not, perhaps, increase its absolute fertility, or give it new powers, it brings those it before prossessed so much into action, and directs their application, and combines them in such a manner as to produce nearly the same effects, which an addition to their strength and force would have done.
Learning and knowledge may therefore be presumed to be favourable to the human faculties in general, "particularly to skill in the arts. ibid. Book VI. Chap. V. p. 481, 2.

[[left margin]] An extraordinary Cure for Cancers.  Universal Museum. Vol. III. p. 308. for 1768. Another extraordinary cure in The Gents. Mag. Vol. LX. p. 1164. [[/margin]]
A Poor woman laboured many years under a most inveterate Cancer in her breast; she applied eight toads, tied up in muslin bags, to eight holes in her breast, which sucked amazingly. 
- The toads fastened eagerly like leeches. - When they had sucked themselves full, they dropped off in agonies, terrible to behold. They gave no pain; but on the contrary, her pains abated from the first application. She repeated this till she had demolished 120 toads. By which time the wounds were healed, and her breast was of the usual size. She has been well ever since. - The toads were applied every night. The better she grew, the longer they lived, and the longer they sucked. A man with a Cancer in his back, & another woman, were cured in the same way.

[[left margin]] Virtues of Sal-Ammoniac alias Cyreniac. [[/margin]] 
Sal-ammoniac operates by urine and sweat, and is a good aperient in all kinds of obstructions. Dose from 20 grains to a dram, or more. It [[insertion]] ^ Crude without any preparation [[/insertion]] is a specific for vernal agues, and indeed with bitters is a good antifebritic in general for all intermittents. Nothing is better to resolve bruises. It is fit to give along with the bark to prevent the cortex causing obstructions.
Sal-ammoniac is a perfectly neutral salt, capable of attenuating viscid humours, and promoting a diaphoresis, or the urinary discharge, according to certain circumstances of the constitution, or as the patient is managed during the operation. Thus a dram dissolved
[[horizontal line drawn indicating lower margin]]
† Cullen's Practice of Physic, § XIX.

Transcription Notes:
much of this page is blurred by the impressions of another page's ink and/or bleed through from the other side. Best effort has been made. [[+]] is meant to represent a dagger shape used to indicate a footnote I've found the "dagger" symbol in my computers character map and have edited it.