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tance of 354,5148 Parts, whereof LT contains 100; so the Distance of 178,22278 the like Parts; whose Logarithm is 2, 2509632. And this would be the Distance ST or SL, at which the Center of the Sun being placed from the Centers of the Earth and of the Moon, the Gravitation or the Fall of these Globes in 2 Minutes towards the Sun S would be expressed by one Particle, whereof LT, or even LH made likewise Exponent of the Gravitation or Fall of the Moon from L towards the Earth in 2 Minutes time, contains 100; when the apparent Diameter of the Sun is of 32' 12".
8. And if it is to be found that the Gravitation of the Moon toward the Sun, and by consequence y [[superscript]] [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] [[/superscript]] of the Earth also, must be expressed by TY or HI of 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 the like Particles of the Line LT or of the Line LH; then TS the Distance of the Center of the Sun from the Center of the Earth must be proportionally repeated of 2 times, or 3 times, or 4 times, or 5 times, or 6 times 178,22278 Parts, whereof LT or LH contain 100.
9. The Focus F is the Point toward which the Moon is drawn, in the Directions LIFY, by the united Actions of the Sun and of the Earth. And the Line LT being taken for [[insertion]] ^ Radius [[/insertion]] of 100,0 Parts, the length of the Line TF is determined by Sir [[underline]] Isaac Newton [[/underline]] at about 4,1964 Parts, whose Logarithm is 0.6228760 : Neither is he contradicted in this, in M[[superscript]] r [[/superscript]]. [[underline]] Robert Wright's [[/underline]] Address printed in 1728. And this they do both of them suppose indifferently, whether the Earth be in the Perihelic, or in the Aphelic. But herein is a manifest Danger of a Mistake. For, in those 2 Times, the Lines TY and