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and TY, or HI and HI, as Exponents of the Gravitation toward the Sun S, are to one another, according to the Excentricity which Sir [[underlined]] Isaac Newton [[/underlined]] gives to the Great Orb, p. 460, as the Square of 1016 11/12, to the Square of 983 1/12 ; that is as 966451 to 1034419. As to the Calculations of the Place of the Moon, that Danger may be avoided, by a proper Table of Equations. But it might [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] have a bad Influence, in the Calculations concerning the Sun's Parallax,
10. Let the three Centers of the Earth, of the Sun, and of the Moon be supposed to form an equicrural Triangle: And then, from any chosen, or supposed or calculated a rallactic Angle TSL; and with it, from any Situation of the Focus F, determined either by Observations, or by Calculations made by y [[superscript]] e [[/superscript]] help of the best Lunar Tables and Theories; the resulting Exponents TY and HI of the Gravitation in T, or in L and T, toward the Sun, will be found in Feet very nearly; and m[[insert]] ^ a [[/insert]]y afterwards be much amended. And we may calculate a Table thereof; and find, in parts of LT made equal to 100, the resulting Distance TS, betwixt the Centers of the Sun and of the Earth. And by consequence we may find the same Distance ST in Paris Feet also.
11. For, as the Exponent TF or TY made to be of one Part whereof LT contains a 100; is to TS or to the Distance betwixt the Centers of the Sun and of the Earth of 178, 22278 the like Parts, of w[[superscript]] ch [[/superscript]] Number the Logarithm is 2, 2509632: So is the Line or Exponent TF or TY made to be, or found, by Observations or Calculations, to be of any other