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which our Terraqueous Globe is composed of. For the small Distance from us of the Center O, about which the Earth seems really to revolve, makes me to conclude that the sun is far from being so dense as Sir Isaac took it to be. I say [[underlined]] the [[/underlined]] 64 [[underlined]] th Part [[/underlined]], agreeably to the curious Calculation of Mr. [[underlined]] Jam. Stirling [[/underlined]], R.S.S. published in the [[underlined]] Philosophical Transactions [[/underlined]]. For a smaller [[underlined]] mean height [[/underlined]] of the Moon would make the Center of the Earth to fall betwixt the Moon, and the common Center of Gravity of the Moon and of the Earth; which is absurd.

21. I have several other Methods for finding the Sun's Parallax, and intend to publish them likewise with their nicest Result. As to the serious and weighty Objections that present themselves against me; I may publish a Catalogue of them, to show that I am not unacquainted with them. In the meanwhile, I know but one Objection (and that is against one of my Methods only) to which Objection I may not yet give as I think a solid and mathematical Answer; even should the common Center of Gravity of the Solar System be found to fall sometimes or always within y [[superscript]] e [[/superscript]] Orbit of the Moon. But I have some reason to hope, y [[superscript]] t [[/superscript]] when I have the time to look in earnest for an Answer to y [[superscript]] t [[/superscript]] Objection, I shall likewise find it; if God, to whom alone belongs the Glory, will continue to bless my Studies.

22. No centrifugal Force of the Sun; of the Moon, or of the Earth, can affect this Demonstration. It flows wholly from the Direction of the Line LF; and would subsist equally, if instead of the Fall of the Moon in 2 Minutes time, we should take her Fall for an insensible Space of time; in which none of the 3 Globes might move forward so much as an Inch. For if LH and HI be made to decrease even in infinitum; yet their Proportion will all along remain the same. Nay tho' the 3 Globes were kept at rest, the same Demonstration would subsist.

23. This is a short and unfinished Specimen of

Transcription Notes:
Mary's 4's look very like triangles.