Viewing page 26 of 398

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745   Lor caught in Rhinebeck
746   "   "   "   "
747   "   "   "   "   Eudryas unio
748   "   "   "   "
749   "   "   "   "
750   "   "   "   "
751   "   "   "   "   = 634
752   "   "   "   "   Agrotis subgothica
753   Linwood Hill Sept 14 1887
754   "   "   "   "   
755   "   "   "   "
756   "   "   "   "   Cryptolechia tentoriforella  [[clem.?]]
757   "   "   "   "
758   "   "   Sept 15   "  Phyciodes [[underlined]] var [[/underlined]]  marcias
759   "   "   "   "   =720
760   Freileigh's   "   "
761   Linwood Hill   "   "
762   Out "   "   "   "   =756
763   Linwood Hill   "   "
764   Creek at Esopus Sept 16   "   Grapta progne
765   "   "   "   "
766   "   "   "   "
767   Linwood Hill Sept 17   "
768   Out Boston (from cat got [[underlined]] 1885 [[/underlined]]) Smerinthus juglandis
769   "   "   (BB79) Sept 1887 Cleora pulchraria
770   "   "   Sept 26   "  Tolype velleda
771   "   "   (BB57) Sept 28   " Orgyia leucostigma
772   "   "   (BB9)  Oct 15   " 
773   [[P...?]] brought from Rhinebeck   Catocala relicta
774   "   "   "   "   Desmia maculalis Westw
775   "   "   "   "