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              516  956  1394
1582 G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y Xylina cinerea
1583   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]] 2225 1923  Mamestra lubens
1584   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      3533  Gonphora scripta 
1585   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      3034  Leptina doubledayi
1586   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      764   Agrotis  pitychorus    
1587   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]            Ufeus plicatus
1588   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      3278  Gortyna [[immam?]] ??
1589   " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson]]         725  2157 2351 741   Caradrina multifera
1590   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      2360  Orthodes infirma       
1591   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      2007   " [[ditto for: Orthodes]] cynica
1592   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      1357  Crocigrapha normani
1593   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      852   Orthosia ferruginea
1594   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      3243  Leucania unipuncta
1595   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      1145  Dasychira
1596   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      3521  Bomolocha baltimoralis
1597   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]] 1447 3409  Homoptera calycanthata
1598   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      1446   " [[ditto for: Homoptera]]
1599   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      718   Agrotis pitychorus JBS
1600   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]            Agrotis [[muraenula?]]
1601   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]] 1947 2011  Mamestra lorea
1602   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      1854
1603   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      3017  Platycerura furcilla
1604   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      2233
1605   " " [[ditto for: G.H. Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y]]      1895
1606 G.H.H. Switzerland  395  Satyrus briseis [[female symbol]]
1607 " " [[ditto for: G.H.H. Switzerland]]  378  Lycaena corydon [[male symbol]]
1608 " " [[ditto for: G.H.H. Switzerland]]  380  Melanargia galathea [[male symbol]]
1609 " " [[ditto for: G.H.H. Switzerland]]       Vanessa urticae
1610 Raven Pass June 22 1888 Limenitis disippus
1611 Raven Pass June 22 1888 Melitara Harrissii
1612 " " " [[ditto for: Raven Pass June 22 1888]] Argynnis aphrodite