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2295 Zella, Cal. Cat 16. Eagle Rock, Aug 8 = 2297 [[female symbol]]
2296 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat 21 Arroyo Seco Aug 18 Pamphila [[circled]] E [[/circled]] agricola ?
2297 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat16 Eagle Rock Aug 8 Lycaena [[superscript]] = [[?]] = zeroe? Bd [[/superscript]] helloides Bd (after [[Streeker?]]) [[female symbol]]
2298 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat22 Arroyo Seco Aug 18 = 2297 [[male symbol]]
2299 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat23 " " " [[ditto for: Arroyo Seco Aug 18]] Thecla [rare]
2300 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat21 " " " [[ditto for: Arroyo Seco Aug 18]] = Lycaena gorgon Bd ([[Streek?]])
2301 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat18 Eagle Rock Aug 15 Lycaena belloides [[male symbol]]
2302 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat12 " " [[ditto for: Eagle Rock]] Aug 7 Lycaena exilis  
2303 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat20 Arroyo Seco Aug 18 Pamphila [[circled]] A [[/circled]] phylaeus [[male symbol]]
2304 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat19 " " "[[ditto for: Arroyo Seco Aug 18]] Pamphila [[circled]] C [[/circled]] napa
2305 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No44 " " [[ditto for: Arroyo Seco]] Oct 9 Nisoniades
2306 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No43 " " [[ditto for: Arroyo Seco]] Aug 18 Nisoniades propertius
2307 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No24 Eagle Rock Aug 7. = 2318
2308 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No27  July 1 Thecla melinus
2309 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No 33 "Thecla" Lacaena amyntula, Bd
2310 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat 13, 14 Eagle rock, Aug 7 = 2297 [[male symbol]] (after [[Streekes?]])
2311 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] Cat 12 " " [[ditto for: Eagle rock, Aug 7]] Lycaena exilis (?) [[inserted above]]1/2 - 3/4 in [[/inserted above]][Smallest of] 
2312 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] 25, Cat 10  July 20 Lycaena acmon
2313 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] 25 No 9 "Lycaena" = 2314 [[male symbol]]
2314 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] 25 Cat 10 "Lycaena" [[female symbol]] L. acmon, Db. Hew = [[antaegon?]] Bd
2315 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No 22 "Skipper" Chrysophanus [[helloides?]] [[male symbol]]
2316 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No 44 Arroyo Seco, Aug. 18 = 2305
2317 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No 24? " " " [[ditto for: Arroyo Seco, Aug. 18]] = [[male symbol]] of 2318 P. [[Curou?]] ([[Tritis?]])
2318 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] No 24 Eagle rock, Aug 8 Pamphila [[circled]] B [[/circled]] campestris Bd ?
2319 " " [[ditto for: Zella, Cal.]] 2 "skipper" Pamphila [[circled]] D [[/circled]] nemorum ?
2320 Out in 28, [[strikethrough]] BB64 or [[/strikethrough]] 116 [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]], March 2, 1889 Notodonta stragula
2321 " " [[ditto for: Out in 28]] cat? " " [[ditto for: March 2, 1889]] Apatela brumosa
2322 Pasedena (Susie sent) Feb 20 " [[ditto for: 1889]] Melitaea quino ?
2323 Out in 28 at Boston March 8 " [[ditto for: 1889]] Therina endropiaria
2324 " " " [[ditto for: Out in 28 at Boston]] March 10 " [[ditto for: 1889]] BB120 Coelodarys unicornis
2325 " " " [[ditto for: Out in 28 at Boston]] March 11 " [[ditto for: 1889]] BB104 (or 112) G. trilineata [[female symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
It's somewhat unclear which line - 2296 or 2297 - the text transcribed as superscript corresponds to. (i.e. is it a note concerning line 2296, or line 2297?)