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9615 J B Lembert Sierras Cal [[Occocnemis?]]  N sp JBS kept
9616-8 " " " [[dittos for: J B Lembert Sierras Cal]] Carneades N sp JBS
9619   " " " [[dittos for: J B Lembert Sierras Cal]] Carneades brunneigera JBS
9620   " " " [[dittos for: J B Lembert Sierras Cal]] " [[ditto for: Carneades]] rena var?
9621   " " " [[dittos for: J B Lembert Sierras Cal]] " [[ditto for: Carneades]] intrusa JBS
9622   " " " [[dittos for: J B Lembert Sierras Cal]]
9623-4 " " " [[dittos for: J B Lembert Sierras Cal]] Syneda ochracea
9625-6 " " " [[dittos for: J B Lembert Sierras Cal]] [[Occocnemis?]] exermplaris JBS
9627-34  From OB Johnson, Seattle Wash. Hypercompa caja
9635-46  " " " [[dittos for: From OB Johnson, Seattle Wash.]] Hal. argentata
9647-52  " " " [[dittos for: From OB Johnson, Seattle Wash.]] Clis. pluvialis
9653-56  " " " [[dittos for: From OB Johnson, Seattle Wash.]] " [[ditto for: Clis.]] erosa
9657-9   " " " [[dittos for: From OB Johnson, Seattle Wash.]] Phyllodesma americana
9660-5   " " " [[dittos for: From OB Johnson, Seattle Wash.]] Nadata gibbosa
9666     " " " [[dittos for: From OB Johnson, Seattle Wash.]] [[Sarrothripa?]]
9667-9  Bred from old cases of O. Kirbyi, Guadalajara, Mex.
9670  Bought at auction by the [[bracket]] Cosmosoma omphale
9673-4  NY ent. soc. for $6.70 [[/bracket]] Arctia phalerata
9675   " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Crocota aurantiaca
9676  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] " [[ditto for: Crocota]] immaculata
9677  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]]
9678  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]]  Lagoa pyxidifera
9679-80  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Thyris
9681  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Hyparpax aurostriata
9682-3  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Sphingicampa bicolor
9684-5  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Clisiocampa mus
9686  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Hepialus 4-guttata
9687  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] " ditto for:  Hepialus
9688  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Triptogon modesta
9689  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Pamphila
9690-4  " " [[dittos for: Bought at auction by the NY ent. soc. for $6.70]] Colias philodice

Transcription Notes:
"Occocnemis" (lines 9615 and 9625-6) may be a misspelling of "Oncocnemis". A curly bracket links lines 9667-9 and 9670, after the words "the" and "$6.70", respectively. In the transcription, the placement of this bracket is indicated with [[bracket]] and [[/bracket]] where it begins and ends.