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10125  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Ceylon  Psalis secaris (securis) [[check mark]]
10126  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Darjeeling  Dasychira complicata [[check mark]] p470
10127  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Poona  " [[Ditto for: Dasychira]] ollaria [[check mark]] p488
10128  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Silhet  " [[Ditto for: Dasychira]] bhana [[check mark]] p474
10129  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Neilgherries  " [[Ditto for: Dasychira]] fleminula [[check mark]]
10130-1  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Kurseyong " [[Ditto for: Dasychira]] tenebrosa [[check mark]]
10132  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Poona  Olene mendosa [[check mark]]
10133-4  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Bombay  " [[Ditto for: Olene]] fusiformis [[check mark]]
10135  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Poona  " [[Ditto for: Olene]] basalis [[check mark]]
10136  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Kurseyong  Mardara calligramma [[check mark]]
10137  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Khasia Hills  Numenes siletti [[check mark]]
10138-9  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Cherrapunji  " [[Dito for: Numenes]] patrana [[female symbol]] [[check mark]] (= partita [[male symbol]])
10140  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[Ditto for: Cherrapunji]]  Pida apicalis [[check mark]]
10141  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Bombay  Enome aryana [[check mark]]
10142  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Calcutta " [[Ditto for: Enome]] detersa [[check mark]] [ [[female symbol]] apterous]
10143  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  " [[Ditto for: Calcutta]] " [[Ditto for: Enome]] ampla [[check mark]]
10144  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Kulu  " [[Ditto for: Enome]] obfuscata [[check mark]]
10145-6  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Bombay  Lymantria obsoleta [[check mark]]
10147  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Yokohoma " [[Ditto for: Lymantria]] japonica [[check mark]]
10148-9  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Solon Simla  " [[Ditto for: Lymantria]] superans [[check mark]]
10150-1  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Bombay  " [[Ditto for: Lymantria]] [[fulginosa?]] [[check mark]]
10152-3  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Solon Simla  " [[Ditto for: Lymantria]] mathura [[check mark]]
10154-5  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Darjeeling  " [[Ditto for: Lymantria]] lepchata [[check mark]] (=Barhoma carneola [[female symbol]])
10156-7  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Sikkim  Imaus mundus  [[check mark]]
10158  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[Ditto for: Sikkim]]  Nagunda semicincta [[check mark]]
10159  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Solon Simla  Himala argentea [[check mark]]
10160-1  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Kurseyong  Gazalina venosata [[check mark]]
10162-3  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[Ditto for: Kurseyong]] " [[Ditto for: Gazalina]] chrylopha [[check mark]]
10164-5  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Sikkim  Euproctis divisa p432 (= melanophila)
10166-7  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Neilgherries Artaxa subfasciata [[check mark]]
10168  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Poona " [[Ditto for: Artaxa]] lunata [[check mark]] p443
10169-70  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  " [[Ditto for: Poona]]  " [[Ditto for: Artaxa]]  leithiana [[check mark]] 447? [[underlined]] var [[/underlined]] immaculata

Transcription Notes:
"fleminula" (entry 10129) may be a misspelling of "feminula". "aryana" (entry 10141) may be a misspelling of "aryama". "Barhoma" (entry 10154-5) may be a misspelling of "Barhona".