Viewing page 206 of 398

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10294  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Dhera Dhum   Ganisa  plana [[blue dot]]
10295  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Shillons   Apha subdives [[blue dot]]
10296  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Nielgherries  Brachytera primilaris [[blue dot]]
10297-8  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Ceylon  " [[Ditto for: Brachytera]]  geminata [[blue dot]]
10299-10300  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Bombay  Metanastria hyrtaca
10301  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Sikkim  " [[Ditto for: Metanastria]] aconyta
10302-3  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[Ditto for: Sikkim]] Lebeda nobilis
10304   " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Silhet  " [[Ditto for: Lebeda]] plagifera
10305-6  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Sikkim  Poecilocampa undulosa
10307  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Puna  Trisula  variegata
10308-9  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  " [[Ditto for: Puna]] Lenodora vittata
10310  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Nielgherries  " [[Ditto for: Lenodora]] fasciata
10311  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Khasia Hills  Nisaga simplex  [[blue dot]]
10312-3  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  " [[Ditto for: Khasia Hills]]  Tagora khasiana [[blue dot]]
10314  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Java  " [[Ditto for: Tagora]] pallida  [[blue dot]]
10315  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Khasia Hills  " [[Ditto for: Tagora]] patula [[blue dot]]
10316  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Neilgherries  Apona plumosa [[blue dot]]
10317  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Cherrapunji  Dreata hades [[blue dot]]
10318  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Bombay   Eupterote undata [[blue dot]]
10319-20  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Neilgherries  " [[Ditto for: Eupterote]]  molifera  [[blue dot]]
10321-2  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Sikkim  " [[Ditto for: Eupterote]]  alterata  [[blue dot]]
10323  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Miryapore  " [[Ditto for: Eupterote]]  mutans [[blue dot]]
10324  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Bombay  " [[Ditto for: Eupterote]]  niollis  [[blue dot]]
10325  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Deesa  " [[Ditto for: Eupterote]]  affinis  [[blue dot]]
10326-7  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Cherrapunji  " [[Ditto for: Eupterote]]  calandia  [[blue dot]]
10328  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Silhet   Tagora pandya [[blue dot]]
[[line with dot through middle]]
10329-32  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Andamans  Cricula trifenestrata
10333-4  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Khasia Hills  Attacus cynthia
10335  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  [[Chia?]] Hills " [[Ditto for: Attacus]]  ricini
10336 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Rangoon  " [[Ditto for: Attacus]]  atlas
10337  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Yokohama  Saturnia japonica
10338  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Cashmir  " [[Ditto for: Saturnia]] simla
10339  " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Solon Simla  " [[Ditto for: Saturnia]]  huttoni  

Transcription Notes:
"Brachytera primilaris" (line 10296) may be a misspelling of "Brachytera primularis". "Miryapore" (entry 10323) may be a misspelling of "Mirzapore".