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10340-3 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Khasia Hills Loepa katinka
10344 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]]  Sikkim " [[ditto for: Loepa]] sikkima
10345 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[ditto for: Sikkim]]  Antheraea frithi
10346-7 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Solon Simla " [[ditto for: Antheraea]] roylei
10348-9 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Decca " [[ditto for: Antheraea]] nebulosa
10350-1 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Sikkim " [[ditto for: Antheraea]] mylittia
10352 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Khasia Hills [[Brahmeoea  witei?]]
10353 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[ditto for: Khasia Hills]] " [[ditto for: Brahmeoea]] conchifera
10354 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Yokohama  Rhodia fugax
10355 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Sikkim  Salassa lola
10356-7 " [[ditto for: Price $131.75/100]] " [[ditto for: Sikkim]] Actias maenas
10358-9 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[ditto for: Sikkim]] " [[ditto for: Actias]] selene
[[underline in mid page with dot in middle of line]]
10360 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] " [[ditto for: Sikkim]] Zeuzera multistrigaria
10361 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Poona Arbela quadrinotata
10362-3 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Bombay  Brachylia acronyctoides
[[under line in mid page with dot in middle of line]]
10364 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Andamans Nyctalemon najabula
10365 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Khasia Hills " [[ditto for: Nyctalemon]] zampa
10366 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Borneo  " [[ditto for: Nyctalemon]] menoetius
[[underline in middle of page with dot in center of line]]
10367 " [[Ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe. Oxford England - Price $131.75/100]] Rangoon (1879) Euchromia orientalis
10368-74 (From A.J. Snyder) Park City, Utah P. eglanterina
10375  From Ernest Swinhoe Euclomia orientalis
10376 " [[ditto for: From Ernest Swinhoe]] " [[ditto for: Euchromia]] polymna
10377-8  From J. B. Lembert, Yosemite, Hepialus lembertii
10379-80 Bought of Mr Doll [[underlined]] NY [[/underlined]] $.60 Attacus angulifera [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]]
10381-2 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] Ariz [[/underlined]] 5.00 Hyperchiria pamina [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]]
10383 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] Georgia [[/underlined]] 3. Citheronia sepulcralis
10384-5 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] Chili [[/underlined]] 1.20 Ormiscodes socialis
10386 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] KY [[/underlined]] 1.25  Sphingicampa bisecta 
10387 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] Tex [[/underlined]] .50 Horama texana
10388-9 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] Fla [[/underlined]] 1.00 Burtia belae
10390 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] N.C. [[/underlined]] .25 Pyromorpha dimidiata
10391 " [[ditto for: Bought of Mr Doll]] [[underlined]] Ariz [[/underlined]] .35  " [[ditto for: Pyromorpha]] rata 

Transcription Notes:
When writing clear did not validate on internet. If writing unsure, validated on internet. If writing clear after validation and not spelled correctly left as written. Apparent "Brahmeoea witei" (line 10352) may be a misspelling/alternate spelling of "Brahmaea whitei". "mylittia" (line 10350-1) may be a misspelling of "mylitta". Apparent "Brahmeoea" (line 10352) may be a misspelling of "Brahmaea". "Euclomia" (line 10375) is most likely a misspelling of "Euchromia". "polymna" (line 10376) is likely a misspelling of "polymena".