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10996 Keene Valley NY. June 1894
10997-11000 Out from Medford, gipsys-
11001 Out from NY. (BB435) = 10993
11002 Keene Valley NY June 23, 1894
11003 " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley NY]] June 24 " [[ditto for: 1894]]
11004 " " " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley NY June 24 1894]]
11005 Out from NY.(BB435)
11006-8 " " [[dittos for: Out from]] Plattsburgh (BB439) Sarrothripa lintnerana
11009-12 " " [[dittos for: Out from]] Keene Valley (BB449B) 
11013 Keene Valley, N.Y July 2, 1894 Thyatira scripta
11014 " " " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley, N.Y]] July 4, " [[ditto for: 1894]]
11015 Out from Plattsburgh (BB439) = 11006
11016 Near the head of Keene Valley, NY, July 5, 1894
11017  Out from " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley]] (BB442) Falearia bilineata
11018 " " " [[dittos for: Out Keene Valley NY,]] (BB449B) = 11009
11019 Keene Valley N. Y July 9 1894 Lithosia bicolor [[male symbol]]
11020  Out from Keene Valley July 12 1894 Sarrothripa lintnerana
11021 Keene Valley NY. July 16, 1894
11022 " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley NY.]] July 18 " [[ditto for: 1894]]
11023-5 Out ; = 11020
11026 Out from Keene valley July 21 1894 (BB442) = 11017
11027 Out from Guadalajara Mex. " " [[dittos for: July 21 1894]] (BB416) Arachnis aulea [[female symbol]]
11028  " " [[dittos for: Out from]] Keene Valley July 23 " [[ditto for: 1894]] (BB442) = 11017
11029  Keene Valley July 26 " [[ditto for: 1894]] 
11030 " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley]] (dead) July 27 " [[ditto for: 1894] Argynnis
11031 Out from Keene Valley July 30 " [[ditto for: 1894 ]] (BB457)
11032-9  Keene Valley (on Cherry) July 31 " [[ditto for: 1894}]
11040 Out " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley]] (471) Aug. 15 " [[ditto for: 1894]] Lophodonta ferruginea
11041 " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley]] (447) Aug.16 " [[ditto for: 1894]] Scolyopteryx libatrix
11042  Keene Valley, N.Y.  Aug 19 1894 Crambidia casta
11043  " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley]] micro . from mine in black oak, young leaves
11044 " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley]] at light Aug 19 " [[ditto for: 1894]]
11045 " " " " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley at light Aug 19 1894 
11046  " " [[dittos for: Keene Valley]] (resting on elm) Aug 20 [[ditto for: 1894]] 
11047-8 From J B Lembert Yosemite Cal Kodiosoma tricolor
11049 " " " " [[dittos for: From J B Lembert Yosemite Cal]] "  [[ditto for: Kodiosoma]] fulva
11050-3 " [[ditto for: From]] G. T. O. Mueller S.F Cal. Orgyia vetusta